The Pendulum Swing from Left to Right

We started to see a massive paradigm shift towards the political left in 2008 with the Obama election, and it went hard to the progressive left in 2016 or so around the Trump election, as the left represents and is a destructive force that is used to deconstruct and demolish societal, cultural, and political structures. With the pendulum swing having gone so hard to the political left, like a rubber […] Read more »

WATCH OUT!! What The WEF Is Planning!! How To RESIST!?

Guy at the Coin Bureau goes into great detail outlining the Great Reset conspiracy FACT (as spoken by the horses themselves), and what you and I can do to forge our own path as individuals. I highly recommend watching this video to get more detailed information about what is being planned for us in the short and long term by unelected and self-proclaimed “Lords and Ladies” who think they are […] Read more »

The Great Reset: Yuval Noah Harari

Meet Yuval Noah Harari, the brain child and adviser of Klaus “The Great Reset” Schwab. In his own words. Very telling insights of the internal landscape of this soulless demon-possessed psychopath. Pure materialism with the attempt to control human beings via algorithms, i.e Transhumanism: merging man and machine. It is end game of the anti-divine occult agenda. The fake pandemic, the Covid Vaxx (and the metaphysical consequences of separating the […] Read more »

Can Nanobots Be Removed?

This is an excellent article by Wes Penre called Can Nonobots Be Removed, and his eBook Synthetic Super Intelligence and the Transmutation of Humankind—A Roadmap to the Singularity and Beyond is also well researched, however, I differ with him in his approach to stopping this agenda.  Merely rescinding our conscious consent is not enough, as we must also rescind our unconscious and subconscious consent. The AIF, Controllers, and Minions understand the First Hermetic […] Read more »