The Psychological Anatomy of Feminism

This is the psychological anatomy and flow chart of feminism, although this pattern also applies to the many faces of Marxism, such as veganism, anti-racism, multiculturalism, environmentalism, and socialism. While it is not exhaustive, and the problem is definitely more complex than this simple flow chart conveys, it is my observations on the topic, and I think it is generally true about feminism, as well as the countless masses of […] Read more »

Cain vs Abel Masculine Archetypes

The brothers, Cain and Abel, as represented by Saturn and Jupiter, are currently in conjunction in Capricorn, and are here to retell the story of value, envy, and murder. Both brothers gave an offering to God, but only Abel’s offering was considered valuable enough, while Cain’s offering was rejected—as a result of his rejection, and his feelings of shame, Cain murdered his brother Abel, because Abel’s offering had more value […] Read more »

Jung’s Theory of the Self & Collective Shadow Projection

Let’s talk about Carl Jung’s theory of the Self, which is concerned with the microcosm, and explore how it might correspond to the collective manifestation in the macrocosm. I see the current makeup of the West, especially the dominant polarized swing into identity politics, as evidenced by radical anti-male sentiment, anti-white sentiment, and anti-straight sentiment that’s manifested in the West a collective shadow, as well as much confusion about the […] Read more »

Carl Jung, the Shadow, and the Dangers of Psychological Projection

“The sad truth is that man’s real life consists of a complex of inexorable opposites—day and night, birth and death, happiness and misery, good and evil. We are not even sure that one will prevail over the other, that good will overcome evil, or joy defeat pain. Life is a battleground. It always has been, and always will be.” (Carl Jung, Approaching the Unconscious) “Of the many metaphors used to […] Read more »

Carl Jung on Anima Projection

Excerpt from Man & His Symbols (Audiobook) by Carl G. Jung on the negative aspect of the anima in the male psyche. The anima and animus, in Carl Jung’s school of analytical psychology, are the two primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind, as opposed to both the theriomorphic and inferior-function of the shadow archetypes, as well as the abstract symbol sets that formulate the archetype of the Self. The […] Read more »

Reflection & Projection

There are two things that can occur in our interactions with others—reflection and projection. Reflection is when experiences reflect back to us from others that show us aspects of ourselves, and projection is where we externalize aspects of ourselves onto others that aren’t actually them. Projection can be anything that we avoid seeing in ourselves and instead only see in others, good or bad, whereas reflection is always occurring, even […] Read more »