Locus of Identity and NPC Like “Spiritless Humans”

My partner and I have been discussing the concept of the the Adamic man and pre-Adamic man, and how pre-Adamic man doesn’t have an internal monologue, has an external locus of identity, and lacks a distinct will of their own (instead being subject to a group mind/group soul). Mystics call them “organic portals”, “soulless humans”, “anthropoids”, and “spiritless humans”, and are essentially considered NPC’s in a video game that are […] Read more »

The Great Reset: Yuval Noah Harari

Meet Yuval Noah Harari, the brain child and adviser of Klaus “The Great Reset” Schwab. In his own words. Very telling insights of the internal landscape of this soulless demon-possessed psychopath. Pure materialism with the attempt to control human beings via algorithms, i.e Transhumanism: merging man and machine. It is end game of the anti-divine occult agenda. The fake pandemic, the Covid Vaxx (and the metaphysical consequences of separating the […] Read more »

Raising Children without their Birth Gender?

Should children be allowed to choose their own gender when they get older, rather than just being who they are born as? This is in response to a new trend called “raising theybies”, where parents raise children without a gender until which time the children decide what they will be. It is a well known psychological fact that children are in an open state of hypnosis until the age of […] Read more »

Arguing with Sophists

Sophistry; fabricating evidence and arguments to support a position, usually based on an emotional attachment to an identity built upon falsities, rather than allowing reason and evidence to shape a position, regardless of how it affects one’s identity. Attempting to have a rational and fairminded discussion with a sophist is anything but fairminded, and never will be, as the two forms of thinking are motivated by contradictory end goals. One […] Read more »

Reason & Free Will

True free will occurs when reason shapes our identity and worldview, and we play within the safe confines of its rules, while the illusion of free will occurs when our identity and worldview dictates our reasoning, and we play outside the safe confines of logic. In the illusion of free will, we get to make up the rules of logic as we go, and we don’t have to feel enslaved […] Read more »

Gender Identity: Why All the Confusion?

If gender and sexual orientation is no longer biological, but only a social construct, that means that homosexual men and women are not born that way, but can choose their sexual orientation. What a can of worms that opens up, when compared to the previous claims from those who have struggled with gender dysphoria and/or their sexual orientation. Think about it for a moment, either they’re born that way and […] Read more »

External or Internal Unity?

Did you know that synonyms for “unity” include “unique” and “aligned”? External unity based on a shared ideology and conformity to group standards are the selling points of patriotism, religious ideologies, social movements, and more, and such external unity uses its weight of collective expression to exert pressure on the internal being of others different from them. However, unity can also be an internal experience of being aligned, where a […] Read more »