How Mob Mentality Gets Worse Online

This is a great video that describes the psychology of the herd/mob.  Nietzsche went to great lengths about the matter, as well as many great psychologists, including Carl Jung, who detailed the need to individuate (psychologically differentiate) oneself from out of the herd/mob, in order to become a unique and whole individual. What Jung called “Selfhood”, is what we as gray mystics would term reaching the “Divine Union” and the “Alchemical […] Read more »

Transmuting Lead into Gold: Reclaiming our Individuality

We’ve been socially engineered to believe that our true power as humans lies within banding together as a group, and that we are able to find strength in numbers. This causes us to amalgamate into herds, whether it is by race, political affiliation, common religion, nation, sexual identity, or even species. We believe that if we can only fit into this group or that group, then we will finally feel safe […] Read more »