What is a Grey Jedi?

One thing that many people miss when trying to understand the variations of Jedi is that they are looking at it as a completely fabricated story, and not realizing that they are all a metaphor for ancient and modern mysticism. Looking at their roots within Alchemical Hermeticism, along with Hermes/Thoth and the land of Khem, is therefore important. For example, the Hermeticist Sir Isaac Newton coined the term “the Force” […] Read more »

Isaac Newton, Thoth, & the Force

With “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” coming out in theaters this week, we will explore the origins of the concept of “the Force”. One of the first people (maybe even the first) to mention “the Force” in English was the noted alchemist and physicist Issac Newton, when he translated the “Emerald Tablets of Thoth” in 1680. Thoth is known as the father of Alchemy and of the Egyptian Mystery Schools, […] Read more »