The Need for a Justice System Instead of a Legal System

Society often conflates a legal system with a justice system, yet they diverge in purpose and spirit. A legal system enforces rules shaped by authority, often favoring compliance over fairness, while a justice system seeks truth and its principles to ensure right triumphs. We need a justice system because humanity demands more than rote order—it craves a process that probes the essence of our actions. Truth, not law, should mediate […] Read more »

Erik Feist on Self-Government and Anarchy

The following article was actually a Facebook comment made by a friend of mine, Erik Feist, years ago in regards to somebody’s misunderstanding of anarchy (which they likely called “chaos” and “lawlessness”). I read it again from a note where I had saved it, because it was absolutely brilliant and worth reading t again years later. He clears up some biblical misunderstandings about the role of government, as well as […] Read more »

When Morality and Law are Opposed to One Another

A vast majority of people today have a very infantile view of law that is more akin to a child obeying their parents than to an adult interacting with another adult; if the government made a law, they reason, then it must therefore be immoral and wrong to disobey and/or ignore that “law”. They do not understand that there can be various forms of law, specifically the differences between universally […] Read more »

What does “Mandatory” Actually Mean?

When something is mandatory, are we always obliged to obey it as if it is an objective law, such as those found in nature? Is it a criminal matter, a civil one, a commercial one? According to Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition 1910, something that is “mandatory” is essentially a “command” (see full definition in graphic above) from one party to another. This begs the question, are commands issued from […] Read more »

Can a “Private Company” Discriminate Against non-Mask Wearers?

I read on a friend’s FB timeline that a group of 20 plus liberty loving individuals went to a local Walmart in their area and all chose not to wear a mask inside. The manager asked them to mask up, but they politely continued on without masks, but when they went to the front to checkout, the manager had shut down all checkout counters and denied them service, and also […] Read more »

Exercising my Rights is a Crime?

Those who think that the natural transmission of a disease is a violation of rights and an act of aggression are being ridiculous, and such a notion is an inversion of negative law. They’ve obviously been playing way too many zombie related video games and watching way too much scripted television programming, therefore causing them to blur the lines between fiction and reality in their minds; the basic premise that […] Read more »

Individualism, Collectivism, the Non-Aggression Principle, and Mandatory Vaccinations

Mandatory vaccinations are an inversion of law that makes the collective’s rights more important than the individual’s rights, and this is irrational since collective/group rights do not exist, but only an individual’s natural rights exist. Mandatory vaccinations are a collective solution and not an individual solution, because they make each individual responsible for the collective’s well-being, rather than allowing each individual to be responsible for themselves and their family’s well-being. […] Read more »

The Left’s Use of Name Calling as a Means of Getting Their Way

I often get reduced to a homophobe, bigot, or transphobe because I oppose agenda driven manipulation of the LGBTQ lifestyle for political gain. There is a quote from Frederic Bastiat, in his pamphlet “The Law” that pertains to this reductionist strawmanning of nuanced thinkers, where he states that: Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every […] Read more »