What is an Emotional Block?

What is an emotional / energetic block? Quite simply, it is a lack of understanding, which is connected to our emotions and logic. Our emotions, which serve as a type of logic / CPU in a computer, function as a bridge between our perceptions (input) and actions (output). Understanding (our unconscious mind / emotions / feelings) is the bridge between what we think (conscious mind) and what we do (subconscious […] Read more »

The X-Files Disclosure of 2016!

The biggest thing being overlooked by the “alternate community” is the inner process work needed to transform their shadow sides and make it an integrated aspect of their conscious lives.  Websites, blogs, and teachers that make emotional integrative work available are not as attractive as the disclosure aspects (disclosing aliens, government conspiracies, etc), probably because it is esoteric vs exoteric in nature. Just as the mystical practices are esoteric compared […] Read more »

Is Spirituality Logical? Why we Encourage Process Work

This blog post was inspired by an interaction on Facebook, one that is probably all too common, where a dissenter believes that spirituality and logic are mutually exclusive ideas.  Here is a screenshot of the interaction, her name was removed to protect her privacy: The following is my reply to anybody that believes that logic and spirituality are incompatible, loosely based on my reply above: Have you heard of the term “process […] Read more »