Doomcock’s Laws of Canon: A Culture War Manifesto

Franchises like Star Trek and Star Wars are not mere intellectual property; they are modern mythologies, our common language and cultural heritage. But they are under assault by corporations who wish to destroy them in order to replace them with something they believe will be more financially profitable, and as fans WE are under assault by these corporations for resisting this corruption of our dreams, for revolting at the idea […] Read more »

Star Trek Discovery – Season 2 Trailer

The whole point of postmodernism and cultural Marxism is to run beloved cultural icons into the ground, and to re-imagine them in a way that furthers their gradualist agendas. In the case of the new Star Trek Discovery and Star Wars sequels, there must be teenage angst, contrived tension, drama for the sake of drama, overpowered characters, and intentionally placed logical contradictions in both the plot and universe, because that […] Read more »

Objectivity, Boundaries, Influence, and the Prime Directive

It is not fair minded nor objective to lower our standards of thinking to engage with those who are prone to closed mindedness, or are in the midst of an emotional bias causing them to engage us with motivated reasoning. Meaning, we do not need to dialogue with, nor consider, closed minded, biased, one dimensional, irrational, and judgmental perspectives in order to remain fair minded and objective. Engaging with the […] Read more »