Thoughty2: How School Makes Kids Dumb

For a deeper analysis of the underlying problems of modern schooling, as well as solutions, I highly recommend the works of John Taylor Gatto (the link is to a tag on this site with many of his videos, and even a free eBook of his), a leading authority on both. John Taylor Gatto used Socratic dialogue and the Trivium method of thinking to get the highest results from the inner […] Read more »

John Taylor Gatto on the Purpose of Public Schooling

The public school system is working as intended, and performing it’s functions exactly as it was meant to. Nothing is broken, it is working flawlessly. Based on the results we currently have, this begs the question then, if it is working as intended, then what is the actual purpose of public schooling? “We must wake up to what our schools really are: laboratories of experimentation on young minds, drill centers […] Read more »