Collective Wisdom vs Herd Mentality

I found the video below quite interesting. It was great to see both the spontaneous order side, and the herd mentality side, of collectives explained. In order for a collective to have wisdom, they need two ingredients, a diversity of thought/ideas (viewpoint diversity), and independence from external influences that might intentionally or unintentionally skew their conclusions. Of course, modern society is full of external influences engineered specifically to skew our […] Read more »

Society’s Role in Individualism vs Collectivism

Many people defend collectivism by saying that we need a collective society, but it is a direction of flow, and not an either/or black or white false dilemma fallacy between the individual and society. In individualism, the united collective is there to support, serve, and protect the individuality, rights, and autonomy of each person, while in collectivism, there is a conformist group mind and the individual must give up their […] Read more »

How To Become Whole (Carl Jung & The Individuation Process)

The main struggle in our time is not capitalism vs socialism, but rather decentralization vs centralization; put another way, individualism vs collectivism, as the individual is the smallest unit of decentralization. Unfortunately, one cannot claim to be for individualism while still having an underdeveloped Self that is subject to collective whims and/or egocentrism via the unconscious shadow. Placing one’s conscious focus on the unconscious shadow aspect of Self, for the […] Read more »

Balkanization is Collective Mind Control

Balkanize: 1) to break up (a region, a group, etc.) into smaller and often hostile units 2) DIVIDE, COMPARTMENTALIZE ~Merriam-Webster Dictionary Balkanization is a mind control technique used on a population rather than an individual. In mind control, they fracture the personality into compartments so that they can program in an alter personality that will obey them, such as an assassin personality, a sex kitten personality, and a top secret […] Read more »

On Stupidity, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

One becomes stupid when they abdicate their will over to an ideology or collective; while they retain their intellect, their will to think independently, and to question their beliefs, is forfeited. “This was taken from a circular letter, addressing many topics, written to three friends and co-workers in the conspiracy against Hitler, on the tenth anniversary of Hitler’s accession to the chancellorship of Germany.” ~Dr Cliff “DK” Kelly ‘Stupidity is […] Read more »