Humanity has reversed cause and effect, which is a logical fallacy, where we mistakenly believe that the manifestations in our life are our causes, and that our unhappy feelings are our effects; this belief imprisons us in an infinite feedback loop. Since our effects are now seen as our causes, we then erroneously think that we can find new actions (manifestations) that will change what we think is the root cause, but this is […] Read more »
NLP Mastery Subliminal Track
I listened to the NLP Mastery subliminal track 24 times according to my play count, but a few times were twice a day, so it wasn’t 24 straight days, but more like 19 straight days total. On the 18th play or so, I felt a block remove to NLP Mastery, which felt quite literally like the message “dropped” into my subconscious mind. I took off the headphones after that play and […] Read more »
How to Remember Who we Are
The Ruiner said something in a comment that got me thinking, he said “Our minds cannot make sense of choices made at other levels. Which is why we don’t ‘remember’ the choices we made while incarnating, for the most part.” Meaning that the reasoning behind our choices as higher beings, and our understanding that prompts those choices, are so far beyond our current ability to process logic, that we cannot […] Read more »