Feminist Roundup

This (the above meme) is because the weak writers of newer projects are projecting their own desire to be powerful, liked, smart, and successful, among other things., onto their characters, rather than creating characters and then developing them. Instead of allowing their characters to go on a hero’s journey and develop from a flawed individual into the triumphant hero, they go on a toxically low self image, envious, and narcissistic […] Read more »

How Roof Koreans Took Back Los Angeles

The purpose of the self-defense principle, firearms, and the justice system is to heavily weight the cost-benefit analysis of committing crimes against innocents by raising the costs of crime and reducing its benefits. However, there has been a concerted campaign the past several years to reverse the costs and benefits of crime by having the police arrest those defending themselves and releasing those who perpetrate crimes against innocents, therefore inverting […] Read more »

Is it the Patriarchy, or the Dark Triad, that’s Exploiting Western Society?

I’ve come to find that there is a large element of misdirection in the concept of patriarchy and male domination. It’s not masculine imbalance at fault, but rather the Dark Triad, which is a deadly combination of Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy, that is the true core issue; and blaming men is just the convenient scapegoat. Women tend to display the dark triad in a different manner than men with the […] Read more »

The Masculine Principle – The Right to Self-Defense

Why am I so passionate about the right to keep and bear arms, and why do gun rights matter so much to me? It is because an attack on the right of self defense is an attack on the masculine principle, whose job it is to defend the family from harm. Assault rifles are essentially a metaphoric representation of the masculine principle of self-defense, and attempting to ban them is […] Read more »

The Non-Aggression and Self-Defense Principles

The feminine principle is best described metaphorically as the non-aggression principle, while the masculine principle is best described metaphorically as the self-defense principle. An out of balance feminine principle is therefore dominant and coercive in nature, and is played out as either aggression, passivity, or passive aggression, while an out of balance masculine is therefore spineless and submissive, and is the proverbial doormat. A healthy feminine principle does not use […] Read more »

The Overt Attack on the Masculine Principle

There is an overt and centralized agenda that has gone into full swing the past decade, where before it was much more subtle, recently it has become quite overt. The feminization of boys and men has taken its toll on the West, like with how BPA’s, soy proteins, and the Atrazine pesticides are confusing male hormones, how third wave feminism attacks men in a myriad of ways, the continual harping […] Read more »

Fractal Balance, Polarity, & Attraction

To the mystic, balance does not come through meeting in the middle without polarity, but is accomplished through picking the active polarity and polarizing into it, and allowing the complimenting polarity to attract back to them. As an example, if a person has a male body, that is their active polarity, and they therefore must master what it means to be a male in order to attract their passive counterpart […] Read more »

Reversed Cause & Effect

Humanity has reversed cause and effect, which is a logical fallacy, where we mistakenly believe that the manifestations in our life are our causes, and that our unhappy feelings are our effects; this belief imprisons us in an infinite feedback loop. Since our effects are now seen as our causes, we then erroneously think that we can find new actions (manifestations) that will change what we think is the root cause, but this is […] Read more »

All We Need is Love!

Love is the answer to all of our problems, right? We hear “all we need is love” proclaimed by our religious and spiritual gurus, but what exactly is love? Put simply, love and understanding are the same thing; to comprehend love we must also understand understanding. When we understand something, we know the reasoning and logic of it; and the more we understand it, the more we become intimate and […] Read more »