Beware of Reasoning with the Blind

Attempting to prove a concept or idea with reason to a person who is currently unable (and especially unwilling) to perceive it’s validity can be quite emotionally taxing, since they do not have the same “knowing” (knowledge/gnosis) as you, nor the desire to open their perceptions wide enough to know it for themselves. They will remain stuck in the “appeal to ignorance” logical fallacy, since they are lacking the knowledge […] Read more »

How to Remember Who we Are

The Ruiner said something in a comment that got me thinking, he said “Our minds cannot make sense of choices made at other levels. Which is why we don’t ‘remember’ the choices we made while incarnating, for the most part.” Meaning that the reasoning behind our choices as higher beings, and our understanding that prompts those choices, are so far beyond our current ability to process logic, that we cannot […] Read more »

All We Need is Love!

Love is the answer to all of our problems, right? We hear “all we need is love” proclaimed by our religious and spiritual gurus, but what exactly is love? Put simply, love and understanding are the same thing; to comprehend love we must also understand understanding. When we understand something, we know the reasoning and logic of it; and the more we understand it, the more we become intimate and […] Read more »