I think we need to start looking at the Gray Jedi in light of Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch, who is a being that has transcended traditional group morality of good and evil, and has a higher individualistic morality based on their experiences to form a holistic perspective of the workings of life. An Übermensch has the ability to conceptualize and process so many angles, layers, and aspects of any […] Read more »
The Seven Hermetic Principles – The First Law of Mentalism
Interested in learning about mysticism and Natural Law? This is the first in an eight part series on the Seven Hermetic Principles, which are what comprise the “Law of Attraction” and are known as “Natural Law”. These seven guiding principles are the metric in which we can align our lives, so that we might experience a powerful and harmonious experience while here in a physical form. Join Nathan and Aline, […] Read more »
The Pre/Trans Fallacy
Aline and I run into this fallacy often, where people in the “pre-“ state of spirituality misunderstand the concept of unity, and perceive it as psychological enmeshment, much like the concepts of patriotism and/or group identification, and not in the “trans-“ state of psychological differentiation from a collective through achieving Selfhood. Instead of doing the work to integrate and align their internal aspects of self, as a means of moving […] Read more »
Decentralization and Freedom
The more centralization, the less free we are, but the more decentralized, the more freedom we have. Learn more about this concept from the Academy of Ideas. Read more »
Why I seem to Align more with the Political Right than with the Political Left
I would like to make something clear, not because I’ve been questioned, but because I feel it is worth addressing. Many people may think that I’m on the political right, but I’m not, I am a classical liberal (voluntaryist / ancap / Libertarian), which means I value individual rights, and I’m open to a wide range of viewpoints, and I synthesize them with systematic thinking into an overall worldview that […] Read more »
Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control
In this video, the Academy of Ideas looks behind the reasons for compulsory public schooling, and what you learn may shock you. Recommended Reading: Dumbing us Down – John Taylor Gatto – http://amzn.to/2vJb3lc (affiliate link) The Prussian Connection to American Schooling, by John Taylor Gatto: For Part 1, CLICK HERE. For Part 2, CLICK HERE. For Part 3, CLICK HERE. For Part 4, CLICK HERE. The New Dumbness, by John Taylor Gatto, […] Read more »
Brendan O’Neill’s Beef with Millennials
An excerpt from a discussion where Brendan O’Neill discusses millennials, and how conformist they actually are. Read more »
What is Postmodernism?
The Armored Skeptic tackles postmodernism, and gives a brief breakdown of what it is, some of its flaws, as well as some of its contributions. Read more »
Fascism Hates Classical Liberalism
Fascism is a form of socialism, that’s why “Nazi” stood for the “National Socialists”, and they are no further on the right of the political spectrum than the other forms of socialists, communists included. Ironically, those on the left may claim that their socialist State should or does serve their interests, but that is a farce, as the State is always served in all forms of Socialism; its “motherly love” […] Read more »
Socially Engineered Reactivity and Triggering?
Why are so many people upset when they hear an opinion that differs even slightly from their own? Why are they unable to consider different opinions, and weigh their merits based on the evidence and logic behind them, in a fair minded manner? Why do they personally attack the character of those who share perspectives that do not align with society and social progressiveness? What if it is because humanity […] Read more »
Locus of Control, Learned Helplessness, and the Tyranny of Choice
A short presentation on how our locus of control, learned helplessness, and the tyranny of choice are connected to one another. Read more »
Russians to Investigate Whether America Really Landed on the Moon
I’ve been skeptical of the moon landings since 1999, when I read a book by William Cooper, “Behold a Pale Horse“, which details how they were faked. More info has come out about how Stanley Kubrick, the director of “2001: A Space Odyssey”, basically covertly admitted that he was the one who faked the moon landings, in his movie “The Shining”. Add to that the fact that all telemetry and […] Read more »
Nietzsche and Truth: Skepticism and the Free Spirit
Aline and I are free spirits who have taken Nietzsche’s “experimentalism” and used it to challenge our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to an extreme degree. Much of our insights and growth has come through experimenting with new ideas, while challenging our older ideas—older ideas which stem from past traumas, societal norms, biological factors, and childhood experiences. Being able to continually challenge and work through our old beliefs while remaining flexible […] Read more »
Envy, Madness and True Reality – Dr Norberto Keppe
This video series is absolutely phenomenal at diagnosing the root causes of human insanity, which is envy. Envy is directly related to the concept of equity, since envy attacks that which is good in order to bring everybody back down to the same equitable level (equality of outcomes). In this interview, the brilliant Brazilian psychoanalysts, Dr. Norberto Keppe and Dr. Cláudia Pacheco, remind us of the human pathology that lies behind our problems. […] Read more »
Confessions of an Economic Hitman – John Perkins | Short Documentary
This is one layer of the grand deception, of those who control our world — the corporatocracy. Contrary to what is mentioned in this otherwise brilliant video, terrorism isn’t just a reaction to the evil US empire, but another competing faction cultivated by the Elite to further their own goals. Remember, each aspect of this entire sham is compartmentalized, and keeps those involved in each aspect insulated from the other […] Read more »