The Microcosm, the Macrocosm, and the Principles of Correspondence and Cause and Effect

In a previous article (from 2016) titled “Exoteric vs Esoteric Spirituality” I talked about how many spiritual teachers are focused on external actions and reality as a means of becoming more conscious, rather than on developing a rich internal world obtained through cultivating one’s thinking via shadow work, self-reflection and self-assessment, deconstructing limiting beliefs and poor logic, increasing knowledge, especially self-knowledge, conscious arguing, and processing emotional upsets as they arise. […] Read more »

The Seven Hermetic Principles – The First Law of Mentalism

Interested in learning about mysticism and Natural Law? This is the first in an eight part series on the Seven Hermetic Principles, which are what comprise the “Law of Attraction” and are known as “Natural Law”. These seven guiding principles are the metric in which we can align our lives, so that we might experience a powerful and harmonious experience while here in a physical form. Join Nathan and Aline, […] Read more »

How to Discern if a Spiritual Teacher and/or Path is Worth Your Consideration

In a world filled with teachers, paths, and methodologies, it is important to learn how to filter out the wheat from the dross, as a means of maximizing the potential acolyte’s own evolution and self-development with the least amount of dead ends, drama, and false starts.  As a result of my own experiences within the mystical arts, I have designed a checklist of questions meant to assist those acolytes aligned […] Read more »

The Seventh Hermetic Principle of Gender

Are masculine and feminine a polarity pair, or something different that each contains a polarity pair? Stating that a man or woman is a typical polarity is akin to stating that the earth is a polarity. The earth has a North and South pole, just as each individual human has a North and South pole, but depending on a person’s gender, is reversed. A man’s north magnetic polarity is his […] Read more »

Gray Mysticism and the Sixth Hermetic Principle of Cause & Effect

The sixth Hermetic Principle states, “ever cause has an effect, and every effect has its cause”. How does a Gray Mystic interpret the principle of cause and effect? Read more »

Do We Create or Co-Create Our Reality?

There is an ongoing discussion in regards to the distinction between creating your reality and co-creating reality with everyone around you; and it is usually an either/or proposition. The issue being discussed is opposing the concepts from the “The Secret” and New Age philosophies surrounding “Create Your Own Reality”, therefore attacking the concept from this angle is attacking a fictional strawman of “create your own reality”, and not taking into […] Read more »

Is it Okay to Think?

Many teachers view our mind as our biggest block to enlightenment, and that when we are thinking, we aren’t very enlightened. However, the mind in general is not the issue, but how we use our mind that is our problem. According to Hermeticism, which is the foundation of all of the mystical and religious traditions, the ALL is mind, and everything is mental. “THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental.”–The […] Read more »