There are two main ways to have a debate, one is to view it as a power struggle to be won, and the second is to see it as an opportunity to progress and grow. The sophists in ancient Greece would use “the tools of philosophy and rhetoric to entertain, impress, or persuade an audience to accept the speaker’s point of view,” as a means of winning an argumentative power […] Read more »
Jordan Peterson on the Channel 4 Controversy and Philosophy of “How to be in the World”
Jordan Peterson responds in full to the Channel 4 interview and its aftermath. He also elaborates on what we think are the five strongest points of his philosophy on “how to be in the world”, namely: The centrality of the archetypal hero’s myth The central role of the Logos during the hero’s narrative Making the right sacrifices when bargaining with the future Orienting yourself towards the highest possible good you […] Read more »
Mandatory Vaccinations are Unscientific
In this video, I use inductive reasoning to examine the underlying philosophy behind the arguments for and against vaccinations, especially mandatory vaccinations. Inductive reasoning, which is the foundation of the scientific method, calls for collecting data points, and using them to come to a probable conclusion. However, it seems that proponents of vaccinations are missing out on some important data points that could change their viewpoint on the topic; namely […] Read more »
Reason & Free Will
True free will occurs when reason shapes our identity and worldview, and we play within the safe confines of its rules, while the illusion of free will occurs when our identity and worldview dictates our reasoning, and we play outside the safe confines of logic. In the illusion of free will, we get to make up the rules of logic as we go, and we don’t have to feel enslaved […] Read more »
How’s Socialism Doing in Venezuela?
“Venezuela is falling apart. Its economy? Ruined. Its people? Hungry. Its government? Corrupt. What happened? In a word, socialism. Debbie D’Souza, a native Venezuelan and political activist, explains.” Read more »
The Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries with Leftists
It is nearly impossible to have civil discussion with leftists and progressives, which are those who desire social justice, equity, socialism, and even communism, as we’ve found that their emotional capacity was never able to progress past that of young children. The only thing that works when dealing with emotionally petulant children is setting and enforcing firm psychological boundaries; otherwise we’ll end up in energy draining power struggles. It is […] Read more »
Was America Founded to Be Secular?
“Did the [American] Founding Fathers want American society to be religious or secular? Joshua Charles, author of Liberty’s Secrets, explains.” Read more »
Dennis Prager: Why Socialism Makes People Selfish
Dennis Prager talks at the University of Wyoming about why socialism makes people selfish, as well as about the labels and attacks that are directed towards moral people in the name of so-called “social justice”. I particularly liked this quote from the presentation, as it lines up with the mystical metaphor about Jesus being the personification of the Divine “Logos”, which is Greek for “reason”, “the spoken word”, and “logic”: […] Read more »
The King Within
I really like this guy! He covers the four archetypes of masculinity, as well as his designs for silver coins that he produces and sells. Read more »
Propaganda and Manipulation: How mass media engineers and distorts our perceptions
This is a second video on the psychology of propaganda and to date has been viewed by over 275, 000 people. Prof. Kroth reviews five major techniques for how American mass media manipulates and twists the view Americans have of their world. The seriousness of the distortion, and our progressive loss of contact with reality is dramatic. We are increasingly living inside a media-induced trance without knowing it. Children believe […] Read more »
Gender Identity: Why All the Confusion?
If gender and sexual orientation is no longer biological, but only a social construct, that means that homosexual men and women are not born that way, but can choose their sexual orientation. What a can of worms that opens up, when compared to the previous claims from those who have struggled with gender dysphoria and/or their sexual orientation. Think about it for a moment, either they’re born that way and […] Read more »
Is Fascism Right Or Left?
While I do not consider myself on the right, but more of a classical liberal, this presentation does link classical liberalism to modern conservatism. Overall, it is a good presentation. “Every Republican president since the 1970s has been called a fascist. Ironic, no? After all, fascism has its roots in the left. Dinesh D’Souza, author of The Big Lie, explains.” Read more »
Who Killed the Liberal Arts?
“What in the world happened to the liberal arts? A degree in the humanities used to transmit the knowledge and wisdom imbued in the works of great Western artists, writers, musicians and thinkers like Shakespeare and Mozart. But today, that same degree stresses Western racism, sexism, imperialism, and other ills and sins that reinforce a sense of victimhood and narcissism. So, what happened? Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute […] Read more »
Homeschooling Mistakes & The Trivium – John Taylor Gatto
“Former New York State Teacher of the Year gives his insights after 30 years in the classroom. Homeschooling families can make the same mistakes as traditional schooling institutions. John Gatto, a world-famous teacher explains what it is. He also gets into the Trivium and Quadrivium as a methodology to dispel confusion.” Read more »