The Progressive attack on Star Wars destroyed the character of the male Luke “Skywalker”, who comes from the lineage of good, and retroactively replaced him with a female Rey “Skywalker”, who comes from the lineage of evil. They took the struggles of a simple farm boy who could inspire us to greatness, and replaced it with a perfect know it all without any struggles to replace Han Solo and Luke […] Read more »
Dealing with Sophists: Proving Your Argument vs Proving Yourself
Have you ever been caught off guard by a person who was attempting to debate you, rather than attempting to engage you in a fairminded conversation? They ask for proof of your position, which on the surface seems to be a reasonable request, and they may even veil their position with words such as “science”, “reason”, or some altruistic motives, but since it is a debate against you and not […] Read more »
Jung’s Theory of the Self & Collective Shadow Projection
Let’s talk about Carl Jung’s theory of the Self, which is concerned with the microcosm, and explore how it might correspond to the collective manifestation in the macrocosm. I see the current makeup of the West, especially the dominant polarized swing into identity politics, as evidenced by radical anti-male sentiment, anti-white sentiment, and anti-straight sentiment that’s manifested in the West a collective shadow, as well as much confusion about the […] Read more »