A Logocentric Philosophical Christian or a Christian Philosopher?

Is the foundation of my faith theological or philosophical? What is the difference? By far, the vast majority of Christians are theological Christians and not necessarily philosophical Christians, and while on the surface it may look similar to the casual onlooker, especially those who do not understand the difference, at the foundation, it can be quite different. While I have no emotional judgmentalness against theological Christians for their foundation, I […] Read more »

Liberty, Justice, and Truth Synthesized

Question for x.com’s Grok 3: In two paragraphs, explain the concept of liberty from a classical liberal perspective. In two paragraphs, define justice and an ideal justice system that differs from a legal system, built upon both John Locke’s and Frederic Bastiat’s philosophies. In two additional paragraphs, explain the concept of truth from a critical thinking and philosophical perspective, such as Socrates and Aristotle. In three final paragraphs, write a […] Read more »

A New Dawn: The Constitution of Galt’s Gulch

The following was created from two pages worth of input that I wrote for a new governmental and societal system based upon the philosophies of Ayn Rand, John Locke, along with other Logocentric philosophers, psychologists, critical thinking professors, and concepts, and fed into Grok2. It was something I woke up thinking about, so I decided to give it a try. Regardless of the practicality of implementing such a system on […] Read more »

When Morality and Law are Opposed to One Another

A vast majority of people today have a very infantile view of law that is more akin to a child obeying their parents than to an adult interacting with another adult; if the government made a law, they reason, then it must therefore be immoral and wrong to disobey and/or ignore that “law”. They do not understand that there can be various forms of law, specifically the differences between universally […] Read more »

Can a “Private Company” Discriminate Against non-Mask Wearers?

I read on a friend’s FB timeline that a group of 20 plus liberty loving individuals went to a local Walmart in their area and all chose not to wear a mask inside. The manager asked them to mask up, but they politely continued on without masks, but when they went to the front to checkout, the manager had shut down all checkout counters and denied them service, and also […] Read more »

Putin Responds To Elton John: Respect Majority! Liberals Invented 5 or 6 Genders

I can get behind the main message of leaving children alone, and letting them decide for themselves when they’re old enough, and reasonable enough, to decide such weighty things for themselves. However, there is a subtle distortion coming from Putin’s view, which is the “respect the majority” aspect, as this is mob rule (also known as democracy). Some mystical sects viewed Jesus as a metaphor for the Divine Logos, also […] Read more »

The Left’s Use of Name Calling as a Means of Getting Their Way

I often get reduced to a homophobe, bigot, or transphobe because I oppose agenda driven manipulation of the LGBTQ lifestyle for political gain. There is a quote from Frederic Bastiat, in his pamphlet “The Law” that pertains to this reductionist strawmanning of nuanced thinkers, where he states that: Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every […] Read more »