Twitter and the Reign of Chaos

Twitter is a great place to “cherry pick” from, as well as to employ the “biased sample” fallacy. See the following video to see how these fallacies are used to manipulate the masses, to justify a malicious course of action, and to claim somebody or some group is a victim, when in reality they are not. “Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of […] Read more »

Are You the One?

Since I made my video on the Mandela Effect whistleblower, I’ve received an awful lot of people claiming to be the One mentioned in the video. Because of this trend, I decided to make a video exploring what and who the One actually is, and give myself a video to send as a reply to anybody else who claims to be the One. At the very least, I would safely […] Read more »

Duality, Polarity, and the False Dilemma Fallacy

“A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, false binary, black-and-white thinking, bifurcation, denying a conjunct, the either–or fallacy, fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, fallacy of the excluded middle, the fallacy of false choice, or the fallacy of the false alternative) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The opposite of this […] Read more »

How Can We Rise Above the Psychopaths in Power?

A broken psychopath becomes common criminal or serial killer, while a functional psychopath becomes a CEO, politician, and other high end jobs with authority over others. A normally functioning human is ternary with their perceptions, feelings, and actions, but psychopaths are emotionally deficient, and are thus binary with only their perceptions and actions, making them unable to empathize with those around them. This deficiency makes them able to act easily […] Read more »

The Hierarchy of Life

Just because we are all equal in our core being as aspects of Source, does not mean that we are all equal in the hierarchy of life, nor in our understanding of life. Is it reasonable for a sales clerk to correct a fireman in his craft, or for a computer repair person to correct the technique of a skilled artisan? We are not all equal in our abilities, in […] Read more »