The Super Hero Film Era: How Political Dissent is Neutralised

One of the questions Dave Cullen asks in this video is why people root for the heroes in dystopian scenarios presented to us in movies, but when tyranny is at our own doorstep, the majority not only act cowardly, but in many ways, they actually get behind and help further tyrannical concepts and behaviors. So in the movies they root for the heroes, but in real life they back the […] Read more »

The Dangers of Sympathy

Some thoughts on sympathy, and how it can be manipulated with guilt, called “guilt manipulation”, to herd people towards desired outcomes. “Socialism itself can hope to exist only for brief periods here and there, and then only through the exercise of the extremest terrorism. For this reason it is secretly preparing itself for rule through fear and is driving the word “justice” into the heads of the half-educated masses like […] Read more »

Twitter and the Reign of Chaos

Twitter is a great place to “cherry pick” from, as well as to employ the “biased sample” fallacy. See the following video to see how these fallacies are used to manipulate the masses, to justify a malicious course of action, and to claim somebody or some group is a victim, when in reality they are not. “Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of […] Read more »

Dr Jordan Peterson – Maps of Meaning – Full Course

Dr Jordan Peterson, a psychology professor at Toronto University, has a fascinating lecture (university course) online (linked below) called “Maps of Meaning” where he goes into the psychology of tyranny, and how each of us has the capacity to serve evil within us. It is in discovering this capacity before it happens that allows the individual to stave off the fate of performing evil against others. The course draws on […] Read more »