Critical Thinking Recommended Reading List

“Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while you’re thinking in order to make your thinking better.” ~Richard Paul “The over-whelming preponderance of people have not freely decided what to believe, but, rather, have been socially conditioned (indoctrinated) into their beliefs. They are unreflective thinkers. Their minds are products of social and personal forces they neither understand, control, nor concern themselves with. Their personal beliefs are often based in prejudices. […] Read more »

Thoughty2: How School Makes Kids Dumb

For a deeper analysis of the underlying problems of modern schooling, as well as solutions, I highly recommend the works of John Taylor Gatto (the link is to a tag on this site with many of his videos, and even a free eBook of his), a leading authority on both. John Taylor Gatto used Socratic dialogue and the Trivium method of thinking to get the highest results from the inner […] Read more »

John Taylor Gatto on the Purpose of Public Schooling

The public school system is working as intended, and performing it’s functions exactly as it was meant to. Nothing is broken, it is working flawlessly. Based on the results we currently have, this begs the question then, if it is working as intended, then what is the actual purpose of public schooling? “We must wake up to what our schools really are: laboratories of experimentation on young minds, drill centers […] Read more »

Homeschooling Mistakes & The Trivium – John Taylor Gatto

“Former New York State Teacher of the Year gives his insights after 30 years in the classroom. Homeschooling families can make the same mistakes as traditional schooling institutions. John Gatto, a world-famous teacher explains what it is. He also gets into the Trivium and Quadrivium as a methodology to dispel confusion.” Read more »

The New Dumbness

The following is an excerpt from “The Underground History of American Education“, by John Taylor Gatto: Ordinary people send their children to school to get smart, but what modern schooling teaches is dumbness. It’s a religious idea gone out of control. You don’t have to accept that, though, to realize this kind of economy would be jeopardized by too many smart people who understand too much. I won’t ask you to take that […] Read more »

School as Religion

The following is an excerpt from “The Underground History of American Education“, by John Taylor Gatto: School is a religion. Without understanding the holy mission aspect you’re certain to misperceive what takes place as a result of human stupidity or venality or even class warfare. All are present in the equation, it’s just that none of these matter very much—even without them school would move in the same direction. Dewey’s […] Read more »

Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control

In this video, the Academy of Ideas looks behind the reasons for compulsory public schooling, and what you learn may shock you. Recommended Reading: Dumbing us Down – John Taylor Gatto – (affiliate link) The Prussian Connection to American Schooling, by John Taylor Gatto: For Part 1, CLICK HERE. For Part 2, CLICK HERE. For Part 3, CLICK HERE. For Part 4, CLICK HERE. The New Dumbness, by John Taylor Gatto, […] Read more »

The Prussian Connection to American Schooling (Part 4), by John Taylor Gatto

Where did the American school system come from? And what are its true purposes? These are excerpts from John Taylor Gatto’s book, The Underground History of American Education Chapter Seven: The Prussian Connection, Section 93: “The Technology of Subjection” and Section 94: “The German/American Reichsbank” Get the book: For Part 1, CLICK HERE. For Part 2, CLICK HERE. For Part 3, CLICK HERE. Read more »

The Prussian Connection to American Schooling (Part 3), by John Taylor Gatto

Where did the American school system come from? And what are its true purposes? This is an excerpt from John Taylor Gatto’s book, The Underground History of American Education Chapter Seven: The Prussian Connection, Section 90: “The Prussian Reform Movement” and Section 91: “Travels’ Reports” Get the book: For Part 1, CLICK HERE. For Part 2, CLICK HERE. For Part 4, CLICK HERE. Read more »

The Prussian Connection to American Schooling (Part 2), by John Taylor Gatto

Where did the American school system come from? And what are its true purposes? This is an excerpt from John Taylor Gatto’s book, The Underground History of American Education Chapter Seven: The Prussian Connection, Section 89: “The Long Reach of the Teutonic Knights” The second installment in the second phase of the School Sucks Project’s Best of John Taylor Gatto series. For Part 1, CLICK HERE. For Part 3, CLICK […] Read more »

The Prussian Connection to American Schooling (Part 1), by John Taylor Gatto

Where did the American school system come from? And what are its true purposes? This is an excerpt is from John Taylor Gatto’s book, The Underground History of American Education Chapter Seven: The Prussian Connection, Section 88: “The Land of Frankenstein” The first installment in the second phase of the School Sucks Project’s Best of John Taylor Gatto series Get the book: (the video looks like it was removed, […] Read more »