Balkanization is Collective Mind Control

Balkanize: 1) to break up (a region, a group, etc.) into smaller and often hostile units 2) DIVIDE, COMPARTMENTALIZE ~Merriam-Webster Dictionary Balkanization is a mind control technique used on a population rather than an individual. In mind control, they fracture the personality into compartments so that they can program in an alter personality that will obey them, such as an assassin personality, a sex kitten personality, and a top secret […] Read more »

School as Religion

The following is an excerpt from “The Underground History of American Education“, by John Taylor Gatto: School is a religion. Without understanding the holy mission aspect you’re certain to misperceive what takes place as a result of human stupidity or venality or even class warfare. All are present in the equation, it’s just that none of these matter very much—even without them school would move in the same direction. Dewey’s […] Read more »

Mass Hypnosis and Trigger Words

Words are magic, this is why when we spell a word, we cast a spell, and why when we write, we are performing magical rites. Our basic human rights either come from our Source from within us (inside-out / internal locus of control), as inalienable, or we abdicate our internal rights and they are instead granted to us by the sorcerers out there, who wish to control us (outside-in / external locus […] Read more »

Brainwashed: Bred as Sheep from Cradle to Grave

Manipulation, brainwashing, and mind control is not just making people believe certain things to be true or false, rather they are achieved through installing a very specific mode of thinking that keeps the individual trapped within a labyrinth of self-deception. This includes systematically causing the mind to rely on external authorities for answers, reversing and confusing causality, shifting the burden of proof, begging the question, falling for false dilemmas, and the […] Read more »

Bertrand Russell & Social Engineering 101

Our governments and above have been studying and implementing mass mind control and propaganda for a very long time.  One of their keys to success was their placement of mainstream science as the official religion of the State, with doctors and scientists acting as their priests and clergy.  They then use the “appeal to authority” logical fallacy ad nauseam, where they prove their points, prove their agendas, condition the masses, etc., all […] Read more »

The TV Mind Control Movie

As Gnostics, it is important that we understand how the mind processes information, as well as how it can be bypassed via external programming from the outside-in. If we’re too busy repeating externalized (outside-in) programs, it is difficult for us to express our individuality, creativity, and unique life purpose from the inside-out. Learning the mechanics of mind control, NLP, propaganda, and hypnosis is a must then for any Gnostic who […] Read more »