Aristotle Abandoned

The pseudoscience of the modern age began with the elimination of three out of Aristotle’s four causes. Only one, causa efficiens, the cause of motion, was retained. As a result, the object lost its three dimensions — the eidetic, the hylistic, and, above all, the entelechial. The object ceased to be determined by its spiritual meaning, its malleable connection with the elements, and lost the goal of motion, which synthesized […] Read more »

Reason & Free Will

True free will occurs when reason shapes our identity and worldview, and we play within the safe confines of its rules, while the illusion of free will occurs when our identity and worldview dictates our reasoning, and we play outside the safe confines of logic. In the illusion of free will, we get to make up the rules of logic as we go, and we don’t have to feel enslaved […] Read more »

Generalized Spirituality

I think that there is a tendency within spiritual circles to generalize a lot of the spiritual sounding terms without thinking through and clearly defining what each one means, nor understanding the reasoning behind them. For instance, “unity” is often used as an ideal, but is it being referenced as an internal locus of control unity or external locus of control unity? Ego death is a mine field that can […] Read more »

What is Instant Karma?

What is karma, and by extension, what is instant karma?  The concept is extremely important to mystics of all types, learn how it pertains to how it governs how mystics from the various dispositions interact with one another. I apologize for the camera becoming blurry on and off in this recording, I am not sure why it had problems. Read more »

Jedi, Karma, & the Unity Process

It is known among some circles that the concept of “the Force”, originally coined by the Hermeticist/Alchemist Sir Isaac Newton in his translation of the “Emerald Tablets of Thoth”, is based upon ancient mysticism. As practicing gray mystics (neutral), we see that there are three dispositions, and five main parties: dark, light, and gray as force dispositions, then the neutral evil AI presence (called the Demiurge in Gnosticism), and finally […] Read more »