Do Not Judge?

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ~Matthew 7:1-2 This is related to the law of cause and effect, and not telling us to avoid all judgment. HOW we judge is important. If we are emotionally judgmental, and guilt and shame others without objective […] Read more »

Relationships as a Mirror

This is a blog post that I wrote back in the summer of 2012 on a now defunct website, but I wanted to post it here due to it’s timeless relevance to our healing journeys, personal growth, and overall self-mastery. Enjoy! Boundaries are an important part of all relationships, defining where we begin and end, and where our friends and loved ones begin and end. Almost all relationship problems are […] Read more »

Needing mirrors

Right on about his example about apples and oranges, where he said something to the effect that “I prefer apples” suddenly means “what, you don’t like oranges?” The subjective, which is the realm of preferences, has been turned into the realm of objective needs, and made into the same thing. This drops everyone right into Karpman’s Drama Triangle of victim, villain, and hero. In his example, the subjective preference of […] Read more »

How to Discern if a Spiritual Teacher and/or Path is Worth Your Consideration

In a world filled with teachers, paths, and methodologies, it is important to learn how to filter out the wheat from the dross, as a means of maximizing the potential acolyte’s own evolution and self-development with the least amount of dead ends, drama, and false starts.  As a result of my own experiences within the mystical arts, I have designed a checklist of questions meant to assist those acolytes aligned […] Read more »

How Do We Create Our Own Reality? w/ Bentinho Massaro

Mirrors: the realization that our external world is merely a reflection of our internal world. Inside is cause and the outside is effect, but we’ve been trained and conditioned to perceive the external as cause and our internal state as effect. This externalized perception of cause is why we experience anger, which is merely the feeling of powerlessness. Empowerment is the perceptional view from the inside-out, while disempowerment is the […] Read more »

Create a Limitless Life!

Aline and I re-watched the movie Limitless again, since there is a new television series by the same name that picks up a side story based within the original movie’s parameters.  Watching the movie reminded us of how we are already “limitless” in so many ways, having exercised our reasoning, and removed many of our emotional attachments through conscious observation.  As humans, we do not require an NZT-48 designer drug […] Read more »