Freedom, Safety, & Natural Law

Natural law can be boiled down to two main pillars, the masculine self-defense principle and the feminine non-aggression principle (NAP), and BOTH provide freedom as a cause and they provide safety as an effect; it can be summarized by the saying “do no harm and take no shit”. The masculine self-defense principle provides freedom to myself to live my life free from external interference (as long as I stay within […] Read more »

Individualism, Collectivism, the Non-Aggression Principle, and Mandatory Vaccinations

Mandatory vaccinations are an inversion of law that makes the collective’s rights more important than the individual’s rights, and this is irrational since collective/group rights do not exist, but only an individual’s natural rights exist. Mandatory vaccinations are a collective solution and not an individual solution, because they make each individual responsible for the collective’s well-being, rather than allowing each individual to be responsible for themselves and their family’s well-being. […] Read more »

Is it the Patriarchy, or the Dark Triad, that’s Exploiting Western Society?

I’ve come to find that there is a large element of misdirection in the concept of patriarchy and male domination. It’s not masculine imbalance at fault, but rather the Dark Triad, which is a deadly combination of Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy, that is the true core issue; and blaming men is just the convenient scapegoat. Women tend to display the dark triad in a different manner than men with the […] Read more »

Multiculturalism Violates the Non-Aggression Principle

I’m as tired of some of the black and white monological Ancaps and Voluntaryists as I am of the illiberal far left. Their black and white thinking suggests an immature manner of processing information, as well as psychological conditions known as “codependency” and “splitting“. To all of the “having borders and limiting immigration is a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)” people out there: I have a fence around my property, […] Read more »

The Non-Aggression and Self-Defense Principles

The feminine principle is best described metaphorically as the non-aggression principle, while the masculine principle is best described metaphorically as the self-defense principle. An out of balance feminine principle is therefore dominant and coercive in nature, and is played out as either aggression, passivity, or passive aggression, while an out of balance masculine is therefore spineless and submissive, and is the proverbial doormat. A healthy feminine principle does not use […] Read more »

Mandatory Vaccinations are Unscientific

In this video, I use inductive reasoning to examine the underlying philosophy behind the arguments for and against vaccinations, especially mandatory vaccinations. Inductive reasoning, which is the foundation of the scientific method, calls for collecting data points, and using them to come to a probable conclusion. However, it seems that proponents of vaccinations are missing out on some important data points that could change their viewpoint on the topic; namely […] Read more »

Voluntaryism & the Non-Aggression Principle – EFT w Nathan Martin

In this video, I give a brief description of Voluntaryism and its foundational principle, the Non-Aggression Principle, and how it relates to how we give and receive. When we are young, we learn that giving is mostly coercive, either from our family, school, or society, thus we do not have a point of reference or personal understanding of what giving without some form of subtle coercion is. I then perform […] Read more »