The Metaphysical Weight of Labor: Property, Purpose, and the Apple Tree

The concept of labor as a means to claim property has long fascinated philosophers, from the practical insights of John Locke to the metaphysical depths of Aristotle. At its core lies an assumption: when someone invests their effort into something—like cultivating an apple tree—they gain a right to it, not just legally but in a deeper, almost cosmic sense. This right might carry a “metaphysical gravity” or “momentum,” a weight […] Read more »

Integrating the Intellectual Character Traits to Make You a More Meaningful Reflection of God

“Who you become is infinitely more important than what you do, or what you have. You were purposefully created and created for a purpose. You are here at this very moment to become the-best-version-of-yourself—not some second-rate version of your parents, friends, siblings, colleagues, or even your heroes. Life is a quest to become perfectly yourself. It is through this quest that we become real…” – The Velveteen Rabbit Life is […] Read more »

Grokking and the Divine Logos

Q: In five paragraphs, where does the concept of “grokking” come from, and how is it related and relevant to the concept of the Divine Logos and divine logic, divine empathy, divine reason, and divine understanding? For example the “for God so loved the world” verse highlights God’s empathy by participating in human life as a man to experience life with us, and to redeem us. A: The concept of […] Read more »

The Power Over Others Game vs the Logocentric Truth Game: The Actual Evil vs Good

I began writing this article back on July 31st, 2024 as I was starting to see a pattern of basic assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors that filtered into two major categories of relating to others, each having their own very distinct rules for playing, the “power over others game” and the “Logocentric truth game”. It was turning into quite a long article when my family and I had a massive collision […] Read more »

Sterilizing Humanity: Science Fiction or Conspiratorial Reality?

Below are two clips from television shows that speak about using a vaccine, and in the case of the second clip, a manufactured global pandemic, as a pretext for sterilizing humanity. The first clip comes from the television series “Stargate: SG1”, and details an alien race that conquers worlds through playing the long game by gaining consent through administering a vaccine that grants a longer lifespan and promises a healthy […] Read more »

Simpin for the Man

Simp: “Someone who does way too much for a person they like.” ~Urban Dictionary Simpin… I see a lot of it, and I mean a LOT of it, when it comes to those who love defending their brands, celebrities, groups they identify with, ideologies, and politics. There’s no amount of mental gymnastics they won’t do, and word salad they won’t produce, to try and identify with, and therefore get the perceived rewards from, […] Read more »

Why Modern Movies Suck – They Teach Us Awful Lessons

I just love the Critical Drinker and his manner of presenting thoughtful ideas in such a brash and irreverent tone. His series “Why Modern Movies Suck” is great, and this is the third installment in the series. I’ll probe deeper into the underlying psychology of what he has identified as a problem, below. In a nutshell, Hollyweird is intentionally engineering a deadly combination of arrogance and ignorance into people, and […] Read more »

Contrast: the Perfect Catalyst for Cultivating a Life of Meaning and Purpose

It is between the two poles of contrast, for instance, between light and dark, cold and hot, male and female, and good and bad, that we are able to discover meaning, and are able to drill down into deeper and deeper levels of meaning/purpose. We can find meaning and purpose by pointing our logic inwards in self-reflection and processing every subtle contrasting experience that life throws our way, which prevents […] Read more »