How to Defeat Power-Directed Systems of Thought

It is not the truth of Marxism that explains the willingness of intellectuals to believe it, but the power that it confers on intellectuals, in their attempts to control the world. And since, as Swift says, it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its remarkable power to survive every criticism to the fact that it […] Read more »

The Psychological Anatomy of Feminism

This is the psychological anatomy and flow chart of feminism, although this pattern also applies to the many faces of Marxism, such as veganism, anti-racism, multiculturalism, environmentalism, and socialism. While it is not exhaustive, and the problem is definitely more complex than this simple flow chart conveys, it is my observations on the topic, and I think it is generally true about feminism, as well as the countless masses of […] Read more »

Reclaim your Personal Power by Depersonalizing Your Past!

The key to reclaiming our personal power is depersonalizing the bad things that seemingly happened to us as children from our families, teachers, and peers, as we cannot control others but we can control our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors—meaning the location of our power is found within us and not outside of us (often called locus of identity/control). Once we go to the root causes of our upsets, which […] Read more »

Why Modern Movies Suck – They Teach Us Awful Lessons

I just love the Critical Drinker and his manner of presenting thoughtful ideas in such a brash and irreverent tone. His series “Why Modern Movies Suck” is great, and this is the third installment in the series. I’ll probe deeper into the underlying psychology of what he has identified as a problem, below. In a nutshell, Hollyweird is intentionally engineering a deadly combination of arrogance and ignorance into people, and […] Read more »

Dirty Trick #32 – Raise Nothing But Objections

Some comments and arguments are not worth responding to with a counter argument or clarification, because the antagonist’s mind is already made up, and their only desire is to provoke us into a power struggle. They know that if they can provoke us, they not only win, but we begin to doubt ourselves, we lose energy, and we lose a little bit of our future motivation to act. We can […] Read more »

What is Personal Power?

When we speak of personal power, we are speaking of the ability to operate on the plane of causality, which requires understanding. Some people realize that they are defeated and know that they are just an effect at the whim of others more powerful than they. Or they like to pretend they are cause through their distractions, addictions, politics, family life, hobbies, competitive sports, job, financial situation, video games, etc. […] Read more »

What Does it Mean to be Empowered?

  There are two perceptual worldviews that we can build our lives upon, an externalized causality from the outside-in, and an internalized causality from the inside-out.  Those who operate as if the external world is cause will view themselves as merely an effect; and this is known as “victim consciousness”.  However, those who operate as if their internal world is cause will view their external world as an effect; and […] Read more »

Are You Powerful, or Are You Empowered?

Many spiritual circles use the terminology Service to Self (STS) and Service to Others (STO) to describe the alignment of the various beings in our Universe, where STS is selfish, manipulative, fragmented, and externalized, and STO is integrated, whole, and creative.  We feel that the Service to Others moniker can be a bit confusing, since “service to others” has come to be associated with “sacrificing for for the greater good”, which is […] Read more »

The Public Assault on Gender

Have you noticed the recent war on gender in the media, and the release of coinciding government laws? It’s been in effect for decades now, but it has definitely picked up steam in the past few years. Media talking points such as pansexual, gender fluidity, transgender bathrooms, gay marriage, and more. Important note:  While we are not against any of these things in their own right, as individuals have the right to […] Read more »