Some thoughts on sympathy, and how it can be manipulated with guilt, called “guilt manipulation”, to herd people towards desired outcomes. “Socialism itself can hope to exist only for brief periods here and there, and then only through the exercise of the extremest terrorism. For this reason it is secretly preparing itself for rule through fear and is driving the word “justice” into the heads of the half-educated masses like […] Read more »
How To Become Whole (Carl Jung & The Individuation Process)
The main struggle in our time is not capitalism vs socialism, but rather decentralization vs centralization; put another way, individualism vs collectivism, as the individual is the smallest unit of decentralization. Unfortunately, one cannot claim to be for individualism while still having an underdeveloped Self that is subject to collective whims and/or egocentrism via the unconscious shadow. Placing one’s conscious focus on the unconscious shadow aspect of Self, for the […] Read more »
Is it Fairminded to Entertain the Delusions of the Mentally Ill?
Here are my thoughts on entering into a fairminded conversation with those who participate in identity politics, and desire what is termed “social justice”. Such ideologies are rooted in envy, and seek to tear down successful people and their creations to the lowest common denominator in the name of fairness, and according to the Freudian School of Psychoanalysis, the root of all mental illness is also envy. Therefore, it can […] Read more »
How’s Socialism Doing in Venezuela?
“Venezuela is falling apart. Its economy? Ruined. Its people? Hungry. Its government? Corrupt. What happened? In a word, socialism. Debbie D’Souza, a native Venezuelan and political activist, explains.” Read more »
Dennis Prager: Why Socialism Makes People Selfish
Dennis Prager talks at the University of Wyoming about why socialism makes people selfish, as well as about the labels and attacks that are directed towards moral people in the name of so-called “social justice”. I particularly liked this quote from the presentation, as it lines up with the mystical metaphor about Jesus being the personification of the Divine “Logos”, which is Greek for “reason”, “the spoken word”, and “logic”: […] Read more »
British Revisionism and the Fabian Society
The following is an excellent article written by Niki Raapana, and revised October 14, 2005. I am mirroring it here because of the scholarship involved, and because I feel this information needs to get out there, and be understood. The original article is found HERE, you can visit their website HERE, and you can download their eBook on Communitarianism HERE. I wrote a short article on “gradualism”, that you can check […] Read more »
Gradualism and the Fabian Society
I would like to discuss a major issue that I have with the coordinated effort that is taking place worldwide to confuse gender, especially within what is known as identity politics, but is also found in things such as “net neutrality”, the Syrian refugee crisis, Trump’s “wall”, and a myriad of other hot button topics that seem to pass over our television screen in a coordinated method. To the surprise […] Read more »
A Voluntaryist Case for Closed Borders
Unfettered immigration and open borders is problematic in the same way that an arranged marriage is problematic. It forces two parties to cohabitate together, rather than allowing them to voluntarily choose to be with those they are most attracted to and aligned with. Like an arranged (forced) marriage, forcing cultural integration is a violation of the non-aggression principle, and limits the individual’s opportunity for voluntary interactions in their home regions. […] Read more »