Dr Jordan Peterson – Maps of Meaning – Full Course

Dr Jordan Peterson, a psychology professor at Toronto University, has a fascinating lecture (university course) online (linked below) called “Maps of Meaning” where he goes into the psychology of tyranny, and how each of us has the capacity to serve evil within us. It is in discovering this capacity before it happens that allows the individual to stave off the fate of performing evil against others. The course draws on […] Read more »

BIOLOGICAL DARKNESS: The Assault on Humanity

This is one of the best descriptions of what chemtrails are doing to humanity, as well as the other means of restricting our access to natural lighting, that I’ve ever heard.  Of course there may still be other reasons for chemtrails, such as using them to act as a Trojan Horse to disperse nano technology, and other toxic agents to thin the herd, but this presentation lays out a lot […] Read more »

Tim Allen Fired by ABC for Exposing Hollywood’s Liberal Insanity

It sounds like another Hegelian dialectic of divide and conquer, as the mere fact that the show’s writers were putting in things such as “micro aggressions” in their scripts would not have been allowed unless it was to set up the show’s cancellation as a politically motivated “hit job”. It would have been far more credible in my eyes if the show’s writing wasn’t already conservative, because the cancellation would […] Read more »

Voluntaryism & the Non-Aggression Principle – EFT w Nathan Martin

In this video, I give a brief description of Voluntaryism and its foundational principle, the Non-Aggression Principle, and how it relates to how we give and receive. When we are young, we learn that giving is mostly coercive, either from our family, school, or society, thus we do not have a point of reference or personal understanding of what giving without some form of subtle coercion is. I then perform […] Read more »

Bill Nye, the Orwellian Propaganda Guy

I wrote an article nine days ago called “Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy“, and this is a video made by Truthstream Media with a similar name, which I highly recommend.  Science has become synonymous with propaganda these days, where it is more of a slogan that people say in greeting  each other than a discipline dedicated to discovering objective truth. Read more »

The Lies Evil Spirits Tell Us – Swedenborg and Life

Negativity, hatred, isolation, and confusion. How do these psychological spiders creep into our minds and spin webs of deceit? Click below on Show More for full description, free book downloads, and host bio. In this episode, host Curtis Childs guides us through 18th-century philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg’s spiritual insights to see if they can shine a light on the spiderwebs in our minds so we can avoid their traps. Swedenborg and […] Read more »

Mass Hypnosis and Trigger Words

Words are magic, this is why when we spell a word, we cast a spell, and why when we write, we are performing magical rites. Our basic human rights either come from our Source from within us (inside-out / internal locus of control), as inalienable, or we abdicate our internal rights and they are instead granted to us by the sorcerers out there, who wish to control us (outside-in / external locus […] Read more »

Voluntaryism: The Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)

An introductory look at what Voluntarism is, and it’s core value non-aggression. Libertarianism, also known as ancap, anarcho-capitalism, and voluntaryism (not to be confused with left libertarianism / anarchy, which is connected to socialism, communism, and social justice movements). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8TI-pm0m2o Read more »

The Problem with Equity (Equality of Outcome)

Here is the paradox of equity: the state must treat individuals unequally in order to enforce equality of outcome. However, with equality of opportunity, each individual is granted an equal opportunity to pursue their own unequal outcomes. Historically speaking, equal opportunity results in the liberty of the individual, while equal outcomes results in tyranny, genocide, and the enslavement of the individual. Yes, the State must use force to ensure the […] Read more »

Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy

Look, it’s Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy! The new Netflix series is just awful, and pushes what is called “motivated science”, otherwise known as propaganda. It defends man made climate change (the solar system is heating up, not just our planet), big pharma, vaccines, artificial intelligence, GMO’s, overpopulation, and the new non binary gender trend. That about covers every major battleground being waged between true science vs State sanctioned propaganda […] Read more »

How to Spot Politically & Financially Motivated Science

Here is how to spot politically and/or financially motivated science, which is science that furthers political and/or financial agendas and interests. Motivated science could be used as propaganda for an agenda, or could be supported by propaganda in the form of advertising and media coverage, to ensure financial and other forms of gain. “The product of scientific achievements should be for sale. The scientist should not.” ~A.E. Samaan True science […] Read more »

Identity Politics is Narcissism – author Joanna Williams at the Battle of Ideas

Joanna Williams is author of “Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity: Confronting the Fear of Knowledge” and “Consuming Higher Education: Why Learning Can’t Be Bought”, and other books. She is also Director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Kent, UK and Education Editor for Spiked Online. Read more »

Jordan Peterson: A history lesson for political radicals

Hate speech laws criminalizes people’s right to open dialogue on sensitive issues, which not only violates our right to free speech, it also cultivates fringe hate groups, while removing our ability to learn how to stand up for our personal values as mature human beings. We absolutely need free speech and the ability to offend others, so that we can encourage dialogue about difficult and emotionally charged topics. Such dialogues […] Read more »

How You End Up in Heaven or Hell

Should we fear death? Will we be harshly judged and condemned for our sins? Or will we experience eternal peace and joy? In this episode, Host Curtis Childs from the Swedenborg Foundation and featured guests explore what Emanuel Swedenborg had to say about the multiple stages a spirit goes through in the afterlife and how the human digestive system is a great representation of this spiritual clarification process. ~OffTheLeftEye The […] Read more »