Boundaries & Affirmations for Channeling the “Other Side”

It is really easy to figure out lies here in this world through the use of logic, verifying evidence, examining the philosophy of something, and cross referencing it with morality, however, it is far more difficult to use such skills when speaking to beings on the other side of the veil, because we really just can’t verify how things actually are over there due to our inability to verify it […] Read more »

Self-Direction, Conscientiousness, and Locus of Control/Identity

The self-direction of one’s life is a fundamental natural right inherent within all rational beings, it is sometimes called self-ownership, self-government, self-mastery, self-determination, and individual autonomy.  It is not something that is given to anyone, rather it is something that must be claimed through taking responsibility for one’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and outcomes, and through demonstrating the enjoyment of one’s rights. In order to claim one’s rights and enjoy them, […] Read more »

Ayn Rand’s Philosophy on the Link Between Morality and Reason

Quesion to Why did Ayn Rand believe that morality and reason are interconnected? What moral rules was she able to discern through the use of reason? A: Ayn Rand believed that morality and reason are interconnected because she saw reason as the ultimate tool for understanding and navigating the world. According to her philosophy, Objectivism, the proper use of reason leads to the discovery of objective moral principles that […] Read more »

Gab AI on Critical Theory

Here’s a question I posed to Gab AI on Critical Theory’s origins: Q: What is critical theory and how is it connected to the Frankfurt school? Critical Theory is a school of thought that emerged in the 1930s, primarily developed by the Frankfurt School, a group of intellectuals associated with the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University Frankfurt. The Frankfurt School was founded by a group of German-Jewish Marxist […] Read more »

GAB AI: The Best AI Chat Bot I Have Used

I have found that most AI chat bots are extremely biased and occult/hide important information, and at times will even blatantly lie and make things up. I have a philosophy and psychology chat bot that I have used, and it would frequently botch basic philosophical and/or psychological questions, and in some cases, be completely unable to give the correct answer. For example, when I’d ask it about the Trivium Method, […] Read more »

Do Not Judge?

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ~Matthew 7:1-2 This is related to the law of cause and effect, and not telling us to avoid all judgment. HOW we judge is important. If we are emotionally judgmental, and guilt and shame others without objective […] Read more »

What does “Mandatory” Actually Mean?

When something is mandatory, are we always obliged to obey it as if it is an objective law, such as those found in nature? Is it a criminal matter, a civil one, a commercial one? According to Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition 1910, something that is “mandatory” is essentially a “command” (see full definition in graphic above) from one party to another. This begs the question, are commands issued from […] Read more »

Sterilizing Humanity: Science Fiction or Conspiratorial Reality?

Below are two clips from television shows that speak about using a vaccine, and in the case of the second clip, a manufactured global pandemic, as a pretext for sterilizing humanity. The first clip comes from the television series “Stargate: SG1”, and details an alien race that conquers worlds through playing the long game by gaining consent through administering a vaccine that grants a longer lifespan and promises a healthy […] Read more »

Nasty Trick: The Appeal to Hypocrisy Logical Fallacy

Here’s an example of a nasty trick used AGAIN and AGAIN in mainstream arguments by those attempting to justify their own (or somebody or something they are supporting’s) poor actions, poor storytelling, and any other poor use of logic—the appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy. As a reminder, a logical fallacy is a deceptive use of logic that substitutes a deceptive argument in place of logic, as the word “fallacy” comes […] Read more »

Finally! The Penny Drops!

I think he’s missing the point of what she’s actually implying when she stated, “In terms of women-led films and women as superheroes in particular, and excitement around that, I think it’s really just about whether or not the movie’s good. […] Especially now we have more and more films that are female-led that are action-based or superhero- based..” Hollywood has pushed female led movies to the detriment of quality […] Read more »

The Potential False Dilemma of Service to Self (STS) vs Service to Others (STO)

You can read the Law of One channelings given down from the group soul calling itself “Ra” HERE, and their position is fairly nuanced, and due to that, can easily be taken out of context by well meaning yet misinformed individuals. However, I would dare to say that there were better ways to explain the differentiation between benevolent and malevolent beings, ways that would have created less confusion, then presenting […] Read more »

Critical Drinker on Hollywood Ruining Beloved Characters

I have a reason for them: on the level of the big picture, it is ideological subversion and identicide, and on the level of the individual writers who keep coming up with this drivel, it is incompetence based upon diversity hiring practices, and they’re straight up useful idiots being used to implement the ideological subversion and identicide agendas. “Only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage […] Read more »

The Logical Fallacies Used Against Anybody Who Dares Speak Up Against Identity Politics

I wrote this based on reflecting on the way a bunch of ideologues are defending themselves and Disney Star Wars with logical fallacies, and also attacking others for standing in the truth, with even more logical fallacies. The word “fallacy” comes from the Latin root “fallere”, which means “to deceive”, therefore a logical fallacy is a logical deception/lie; when somebody has poor logic, they are lying first to themselves, and […] Read more »

How Apple’s Vision Pro Will Change Society Forever

If it goes how I think it will go, where the WEF and their friends get scapegoated, then I believe that the great reset (global financial reset of financial systems and markets) will allow people to have more than enough money to buy these, and things like it, and to get hooked on virtual reality and eventually the transhumanist dark union between man and machine. It reminds me of pleasure […] Read more »

The Microcosm, the Macrocosm, and the Principles of Correspondence and Cause and Effect

In a previous article (from 2016) titled “Exoteric vs Esoteric Spirituality” I talked about how many spiritual teachers are focused on external actions and reality as a means of becoming more conscious, rather than on developing a rich internal world obtained through cultivating one’s thinking via shadow work, self-reflection and self-assessment, deconstructing limiting beliefs and poor logic, increasing knowledge, especially self-knowledge, conscious arguing, and processing emotional upsets as they arise. […] Read more »

Has the YouTube Content Creator ‘Star Wars Theory’ Changed?

I love the integrity and principled approach to ‘Star Wars Theory’s’ content. The one thing I think most people miss is that the underlying worldview and philosophy of George Lucas’s Star Wars was inverted 180 degrees by Disney’s Star Wars after their purchase of the intellectual property, as it went from the Logocentric monomyth (Hero’s Journey), aka the search for meaning and purpose, to a deconstructionist and postmodern approach of […] Read more »

‘Truth is a Right Wing Concept’ | Melanie Phillips

“In getting rid of religion, we have unleashed an age of unreason, and what follows from that is the erosion of freedom—the freedom to think, the freedom to speak, the freedom to act, and the complete confusion about where the limit should be drawn between what I want and what others need.” ~Melanie Phillips THE UNITY PROCESS: I’ve created an integrative methodology called the Unity Process, which combines the philosophy of […] Read more »

Submission to the Logos and Self-Assessment/Reflection

Jesus is likely everything that churches say he is, however, that is very limiting in a practical sense, and not as transformative as experiencing a life with Jesus in our hearts could be. I think we need to expand the definition of Jesus in our thinking to incorporate certain Logocentric character traits and universal standards that dramatically improve our thinking, feeling, and behaviors in a very practical and tangible manner […] Read more »

The Psychological Anatomy of Feminism

This is the psychological anatomy and flow chart of feminism, although this pattern also applies to the many faces of Marxism, such as veganism, anti-racism, multiculturalism, environmentalism, and socialism. While it is not exhaustive, and the problem is definitely more complex than this simple flow chart conveys, it is my observations on the topic, and I think it is generally true about feminism, as well as the countless masses of […] Read more »

You Owe Me! But Do I Really?

I recently witnessed an interpersonal relationship dynamic that can be found underlying many destructive worldviews, and it was quite fascinating and disturbing all at the same time. In this relationship pattern, people do “good deeds” with the expectation of getting very specific needs met in return, which means they were attempting to secure love in the same way a person might secure sex from a prostitute, without the person they […] Read more »