Do Human Beings Have Intrinsic Self-Worth, or Are We Measured by our Utility?

Ayn Rand’s Objectivism asserts that the individual is an end, not a means, judged by rational achievements and integrity rather than utility to others—an idea that challenges conventional views of value and purpose. This perspective invites us to explore how humans define worth, not just for themselves but for truth itself, and how these definitions shape spirituality, philosophy, and economics. What follows is an examination of this tension, tracing a […] Read more »

Duality, the Garden of Eden, and Ayn Rand

In the biblical narrative, duality emerges as a consequence of humanity’s choice to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, an act framed by me as providing the necessary “opt-out” from a higher harmony and morality, to ensure free will. Eating the “forbidden fruit” plunges existence into a polarized state, where good and evil are no longer integrated within a unified moral framework but are instead […] Read more »

Tariff Wars! Sociocentrism, Balkanization, and the Fracturing of Society

I have observed that Donald Trump is taking a lot of mostly non-aggressive, aka defensive, measures around the world in relationship to America and her interests, and that is what is tweaking everyone’s anger at him. This happened to us personally in the micro while living in the Europe; it was our protective actions around our family that got us into trouble, actions that would have been unnecessary had the […] Read more »

Modesty: the Faux Humility

I often joke around and tell people “I’m the most humble person I’ve met, but I’m not modest”, but I say this to poke at them because I also know that society doesn’t encourage people to develop their inner humility in a quest for unerring truth like I do, nor do most people approach life through the lens of the Socratic paradox of “I know that I know nothing” as […] Read more »

Why False Accusations Are So Potent and Destructive

Question: It seems that there is a dynamic where false accusations generate some sense of imagined or real power over others, where they are acting as the judge, lawyer, and sentencing authority all in one. For example, to accuse a friend or relative of wrongdoing without evidence and then punishing them for it by blocking all further contact, or by turning friends and/or family against them with dramatic certainty, but […] Read more »

The Need for a Justice System Instead of a Legal System

Society often conflates a legal system with a justice system, yet they diverge in purpose and spirit. A legal system enforces rules shaped by authority, often favoring compliance over fairness, while a justice system seeks truth and its principles to ensure right triumphs. We need a justice system because humanity demands more than rote order—it craves a process that probes the essence of our actions. Truth, not law, should mediate […] Read more »

My Unified Vision for a New American Renaissance

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” ~Provers 29:18a In my disclaimer on AI, I mentioned how AI would not write my articles for me, however, I am re-posting a creative dialogue I had with Elon Musk’s newly released Grok 3 that I had today, where it helped me to formulate my vision for reclaiming American culture and society from the grips of destructive leftist ideologies, such as liberalism […] Read more »

The Power Over Others Game vs the Logocentric Truth Game: The Actual Evil vs Good

I began writing this article back on July 31st, 2024 as I was starting to see a pattern of basic assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors that filtered into two major categories of relating to others, each having their own very distinct rules for playing, the “power over others game” and the “Logocentric truth game”. It was turning into quite a long article when my family and I had a massive collision […] Read more »

Erik Feist on Self-Government and Anarchy

The following article was actually a Facebook comment made by a friend of mine, Erik Feist, years ago in regards to somebody’s misunderstanding of anarchy (which they likely called “chaos” and “lawlessness”). I read it again from a note where I had saved it, because it was absolutely brilliant and worth reading t again years later. He clears up some biblical misunderstandings about the role of government, as well as […] Read more »

How to Defeat Power-Directed Systems of Thought

It is not the truth of Marxism that explains the willingness of intellectuals to believe it, but the power that it confers on intellectuals, in their attempts to control the world. And since, as Swift says, it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its remarkable power to survive every criticism to the fact that it […] Read more »

Wanting, Having, and the Two Games

Buddhists found that “wanting” was a source of a lot of human suffering, so many of their adherents go to monasteries and live without anything, and as a result defeat wanting, but they’re not abundant either and still in lack consciousness; the best they are able to achieve with such a lifestyle is neutrality, not abundance. Christians also practice something similar to Buddhists with their monasteries and other tricks to […] Read more »

The TRUTH about Bank Privacy & the Burden of Proof Logical Fallacy

The Bank Secrecy Act in America flipped the burden of proof and created a “moral gray area” where people were now considered “guilty until proven innocent”, evidenced by the banks now tracking financial data on all transactions $10,000 and above (see the video at the bottom of the article). That gray area eventually became so large that all government intrusion via regulation now tracks every single transaction that we make, […] Read more »

Sterilizing Humanity: Science Fiction or Conspiratorial Reality?

Below are two clips from television shows that speak about using a vaccine, and in the case of the second clip, a manufactured global pandemic, as a pretext for sterilizing humanity. The first clip comes from the television series “Stargate: SG1”, and details an alien race that conquers worlds through playing the long game by gaining consent through administering a vaccine that grants a longer lifespan and promises a healthy […] Read more »

Nasty Trick: The Appeal to Hypocrisy Logical Fallacy

Here’s an example of a nasty trick used AGAIN and AGAIN in mainstream arguments by those attempting to justify their own (or somebody or something they are supporting’s) poor actions, poor storytelling, and any other poor use of logic—the appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy. As a reminder, a logical fallacy is a deceptive use of logic that substitutes a deceptive argument in place of logic, as the word “fallacy” comes […] Read more »

Finally! The Penny Drops!

I think he’s missing the point of what she’s actually implying when she stated, “In terms of women-led films and women as superheroes in particular, and excitement around that, I think it’s really just about whether or not the movie’s good. […] Especially now we have more and more films that are female-led that are action-based or superhero- based..” Hollywood has pushed female led movies to the detriment of quality […] Read more »