The Witcher is DOOMED: How Show Runners Gaslight and Use Circular Reasoning

Like in the beginning of this video, with the clip of the interviewer calling fans toxic when fans are upset that their favorite characters and universes are disrespected by the show runners/shows, they are gaslighting fans for the “non-contradiction principle” found in philosophy. This principle is natural and therefore universal, because contradictions are not found in nature, so they are either an error in reasoning/understanding, or they are a lie. […] Read more »

Beware of False Dilemmas

We are constantly confronted with a coordinated agenda by the media and government with false dilemmas, which is a logical fallacy meant to manipulate us, and in many cases, manipulate us towards an unstated goal. This fallacy is used in situations where “only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The options may be a position that is between two extremes (such as […] Read more »


One common psychological theme I have been seeing a LOT in the media and government propaganda and rhetoric, is of gaslighting. Gaslighting “is a form of mental abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting his or her own memory, perception and sanity. (Source)” A movie was made in 1940 (and 1944), and is free on YouTube, called “Gaslight”, it captures this manipulative tactic perfectly — the PTB love […] Read more »