What is Shadow Work? Revisited

The late great psychologist Carl Jung defined the shadow as the aspects of self (identity/personality) that we are unconscious of, whereas the ego was defined as our conscious self / individuality. He thought it was the responsibility of therapy, and inner psychological work in general, to make the contents of our unconscious self known to our conscious self, therefore integrating the shadow side into our ego. A well integrated shadow […] Read more »

Is Communism Fueled by Love or Hatred?

I had a few thoughts arise as a result of watching the video below by Jordan Peterson. The shadow and God: I studied under a Saphardi Orthodox Rabbi in the early 2000’s, and he explained to me that everything, including evil and everything we experience good or bad, was within the mind of God. This lines up with the first Hermetic principle of mentalism which states, “the ALL is mind; […] Read more »

Simpin for the Man

Simp: “Someone who does way too much for a person they like.” ~Urban Dictionary Simpin… I see a lot of it, and I mean a LOT of it, when it comes to those who love defending their brands, celebrities, groups they identify with, ideologies, and politics. There’s no amount of mental gymnastics they won’t do, and word salad they won’t produce, to try and identify with, and therefore get the perceived rewards from, […] Read more »

How Roof Koreans Took Back Los Angeles

The purpose of the self-defense principle, firearms, and the justice system is to heavily weight the cost-benefit analysis of committing crimes against innocents by raising the costs of crime and reducing its benefits. However, there has been a concerted campaign the past several years to reverse the costs and benefits of crime by having the police arrest those defending themselves and releasing those who perpetrate crimes against innocents, therefore inverting […] Read more »

The Problem with Blame

Blame is a big problem in the world, and we see a lot of it from the political left when they blame rich people, white people, men, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, anti maskers, anti science, etc., and at it’s core is envy, what Nietzsche called “ressentiment”. It doesn’t solve anything, it just interrogates and tears things down, deconstructs them, but has no creative drive, and doesn’t offer any meaningful solutions. Unfortunately, […] Read more »

The Secret to Star Wars’ Success: Psychological Underpinnings

What made Star Wars so successful? Why did it capture the hearts of millions all over the world and gain such a die hard following (pre-Disney)? George Lucas infused a very specific heart into his beloved universe, something that is easier to see now that those who don’t appreciate his psychological underpinning have taken over telling stories about his universe. George Lucas at AFI 2005: Read more »

Narcissistic Pseudo Spirituality

I have also observed within spiritual circles narcissistic pretenders who used spirituality as a means of gaining power over others and used their so-called enlightened state as a means of avoiding accountability for their behaviors, as well as those who used faux spirituality to run away from their problems, rather than to process and work through their problems. At first it caused me confusion because I had a hard time […] Read more »

Bullying: A Block to Abundance and Sustaining Wealth

Many people have a block to abundance due to the “might makes right” mentality that pervades our world; they’re afraid to make money, because if they do, it can be stolen/taken away in so many ways, either through direct force or through covert manipulation, such as inflation, usury, fraud, and market manipulation. Those who do push through in a methodical and process oriented way are still susceptible to having their […] Read more »

Elon Musk and Karpman’s Drama Triangle

With Elon Musk’s recent purchase of Twitter, he has been thrust from a boy wonder to billionaire philanthropist here to save free speech from the clutches of evil leftist demagogues. From around 2012 or so, with the election of Barack Obama as the president of the United States, Western culture, including countries in Europe, New Zealand, and Australia, have made a drastic hard turn to the far totalitarian left. While […] Read more »

Relationships as a Mirror

This is a blog post that I wrote back in the summer of 2012 on a now defunct website, but I wanted to post it here due to it’s timeless relevance to our healing journeys, personal growth, and overall self-mastery. Enjoy! Boundaries are an important part of all relationships, defining where we begin and end, and where our friends and loved ones begin and end. Almost all relationship problems are […] Read more »

The Super Hero Film Era: How Political Dissent is Neutralised

One of the questions Dave Cullen asks in this video is why people root for the heroes in dystopian scenarios presented to us in movies, but when tyranny is at our own doorstep, the majority not only act cowardly, but in many ways, they actually get behind and help further tyrannical concepts and behaviors. So in the movies they root for the heroes, but in real life they back the […] Read more »

What Happened to The Men Who Made a Deal With the Devil?

The concept of “making a deal with the devil” is actually the archetype of the whore/prostitute, as such people are willing to sell themselves out for temporary gain. Nothing encapsulates this archetype more than the recent lows that many have gone to sell themselves out for a Krispy Kreme doughnut, or a $25 gift card; it’s a sad spin on Homer Simpson selling his soul to the Devil for a […] Read more »

The Great Reset: Yuval Noah Harari

Meet Yuval Noah Harari, the brain child and adviser of Klaus “The Great Reset” Schwab. In his own words. Very telling insights of the internal landscape of this soulless demon-possessed psychopath. Pure materialism with the attempt to control human beings via algorithms, i.e Transhumanism: merging man and machine. It is end game of the anti-divine occult agenda. The fake pandemic, the Covid Vaxx (and the metaphysical consequences of separating the […] Read more »

Why Modern Movies Suck – They Teach Us Awful Lessons

I just love the Critical Drinker and his manner of presenting thoughtful ideas in such a brash and irreverent tone. His series “Why Modern Movies Suck” is great, and this is the third installment in the series. I’ll probe deeper into the underlying psychology of what he has identified as a problem, below. In a nutshell, Hollyweird is intentionally engineering a deadly combination of arrogance and ignorance into people, and […] Read more »