Why do we Experience Jealousy?

Jealous people may feel that they are justified in their jealous actions, or they may feel guilty for being jealous, but jealousy is always an effect of the inability to go deeper in a relationship. If a person is jealous sexually, it is only because they are unable to go deeper into their own sexuality, and thus unable to deepen with their partner(s). Emotional, spiritual, physical, and intellectual depth also […] Read more »

What is an Emotional Block?

What is an emotional / energetic block? Quite simply, it is a lack of understanding, which is connected to our emotions and logic. Our emotions, which serve as a type of logic / CPU in a computer, function as a bridge between our perceptions (input) and actions (output). Understanding (our unconscious mind / emotions / feelings) is the bridge between what we think (conscious mind) and what we do (subconscious […] Read more »

Should We Trust our Instincts?

I’ts not good enough to just trust our instincts, as they can be laced with our emotional attachments that are the result from past traumas and limiting patterns of relating. We must trust our process, and our ability to discern the truth through asking the correct questions at the right time. While our emotional attachments can deceive us, our feelings can act as messengers that point us to the truth […] Read more »

How Does Not Answer Why

Quite often, we give “how” answers to “why” questions, which is not a valid nor logical way to cope and deal with a “why” question. If the question is “why do I feel triggered by such and such”, the answer cannot be “then stop interacting with such and such”, as that is a “how” solution to a “why” question. It could be said that the “stop interacting” answer is the […] Read more »