Reason, Authority, & Natural Law

In this video I examine what it means to be an authority, both over others, and how it pertains to self-ownership and self-governance. I draw on concepts from John Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government”, and show how reason is what differentiates the governed and those who govern. Second Treatise of Government, by John Locke: If you prefer a one time gift, support us on PayPal: Join the discussion! […] Read more »

Beware of False Teachers & Leaders

Each person speaks and writes their insights from the level that they are at, and from where their perceptions are in the moment they are conveying their message. If they have not honed their ability to reason, especially with a system of critical thinking that continually asks and refines questions (we recommend the Trivium), then the messages that they are conveying are going to be quite limited, uninformed, and lacking reason. […] Read more »

What Does it Mean to Be Balanced?

The Unity Process uses Jungian shadow work to balance the Hermetic Principles of gender, correspondence, polarity, and rhythm within our Selves, which results in having that balance reflected back to us by our external (macro) world.  Many of the students of the hermetic principles, including what I can tell from Elite interpretations that I have read, attempt to find balance through an external means, outside-in, rather than through an internal means from the inside-out. We […] Read more »