Our Thoughts on Channeling, and the Need for Discernment

We see imposter channeling ALL the time. If people do not have discernment when speaking to others in this realm, they will not have discernment in who they speak with in other realms. Fortunately, as we refine our discernment here, our discernment also improves there. Many people value having their ears tickled with clever deceptions more than they value the truth, as truth can be quite destructive at times. Thus, […] Read more »

Know Thyself to Know the World

When we go inside and process our limiting patterns and emotions, we get to both know and understand ourselves, which causes us to both know and understand the world and those around us. This is after all a fractal reality, which explains the Hermetic adage “as above, so below, as within, so without”; where we can know the higher by first knowing ourselves here on the lower, and we can […] Read more »

Beware of False Teachers & Leaders

Each person speaks and writes their insights from the level that they are at, and from where their perceptions are in the moment they are conveying their message. If they have not honed their ability to reason, especially with a system of critical thinking that continually asks and refines questions (we recommend the Trivium), then the messages that they are conveying are going to be quite limited, uninformed, and lacking reason. […] Read more »

Honesty & the Truth

Honesty is merely the first step of truth, it is admitting that there is a problem that must be examined in the first place. If a person is dishonest about past behavior, then they are incapable of moving forward from this first phase, and remain firmly embedded in the lie of it. When honesty is not exercised, intuition is needed to determine if a lie is present, so that we […] Read more »