Do Human Beings Have Intrinsic Self-Worth, or Are We Measured by our Utility?

Ayn Rand’s Objectivism asserts that the individual is an end, not a means, judged by rational achievements and integrity rather than utility to others—an idea that challenges conventional views of value and purpose. This perspective invites us to explore how humans define worth, not just for themselves but for truth itself, and how these definitions shape spirituality, philosophy, and economics. What follows is an examination of this tension, tracing a […] Read more »

Duality, the Garden of Eden, and Ayn Rand

In the biblical narrative, duality emerges as a consequence of humanity’s choice to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, an act framed by me as providing the necessary “opt-out” from a higher harmony and morality, to ensure free will. Eating the “forbidden fruit” plunges existence into a polarized state, where good and evil are no longer integrated within a unified moral framework but are instead […] Read more »

Isaiah 1:18 – Why Reason (Jesus) Forgives Sin

Isaiah 1:18 presents a divine invitation with profound implications: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (KJV). This suggests that reasoning—whether to purify one’s Self, resolve conflict, or negotiate preferences—holds a redemptive quality, capable of transforming sins and mistakes. The process implies a […] Read more »

Abductive Reasoning, the Matrix, and the Morality of Opt-Outs

Below is a Socratic like dialogue that I had with Grok today, exploring various forms of reasoning, which led to thoughts about using abductive reasoning to explore the nature of reality, including the possibility that we are in a simulated reality, much like is posited in the Matrix trilogy. Then discussing the necessity for opt-outs for transforming our current simulated reality into a “new earth” that’s inherently moral, including offering […] Read more »

A Logocentric Philosophical Christian or a Christian Philosopher?

Is the foundation of my faith theological or philosophical? What is the difference? By far, the vast majority of Christians are theological Christians and not necessarily philosophical Christians, and while on the surface it may look similar to the casual onlooker, especially those who do not understand the difference, at the foundation, it can be quite different. While I have no emotional judgmentalness against theological Christians for their foundation, I […] Read more »

The Need for a Justice System Instead of a Legal System

Society often conflates a legal system with a justice system, yet they diverge in purpose and spirit. A legal system enforces rules shaped by authority, often favoring compliance over fairness, while a justice system seeks truth and its principles to ensure right triumphs. We need a justice system because humanity demands more than rote order—it craves a process that probes the essence of our actions. Truth, not law, should mediate […] Read more »

My Unified Vision for a New American Renaissance

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” ~Provers 29:18a In my disclaimer on AI, I mentioned how AI would not write my articles for me, however, I am re-posting a creative dialogue I had with Elon Musk’s newly released Grok 3 that I had today, where it helped me to formulate my vision for reclaiming American culture and society from the grips of destructive leftist ideologies, such as liberalism […] Read more »

A New Dawn: The Constitution of Galt’s Gulch

The following was created from two pages worth of input that I wrote for a new governmental and societal system based upon the philosophies of Ayn Rand, John Locke, along with other Logocentric philosophers, psychologists, critical thinking professors, and concepts, and fed into Grok2. It was something I woke up thinking about, so I decided to give it a try. Regardless of the practicality of implementing such a system on […] Read more »

The Power Over Others Game vs the Logocentric Truth Game: The Actual Evil vs Good

I began writing this article back on July 31st, 2024 as I was starting to see a pattern of basic assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors that filtered into two major categories of relating to others, each having their own very distinct rules for playing, the “power over others game” and the “Logocentric truth game”. It was turning into quite a long article when my family and I had a massive collision […] Read more »

Ayn Rand’s Philosophy on the Link Between Morality and Reason

Quesion to Why did Ayn Rand believe that morality and reason are interconnected? What moral rules was she able to discern through the use of reason? A: Ayn Rand believed that morality and reason are interconnected because she saw reason as the ultimate tool for understanding and navigating the world. According to her philosophy, Objectivism, the proper use of reason leads to the discovery of objective moral principles that […] Read more »

The Potential False Dilemma of Service to Self (STS) vs Service to Others (STO)

You can read the Law of One channelings given down from the group soul calling itself “Ra” HERE, and their position is fairly nuanced, and due to that, can easily be taken out of context by well meaning yet misinformed individuals. However, I would dare to say that there were better ways to explain the differentiation between benevolent and malevolent beings, ways that would have created less confusion, then presenting […] Read more »

Self-Abandonment: Abandoning Ourselves for Others

Self-abandonment is when we abandon our own self-interests for another person, either for their validation and approval, or to avoid experiencing guilt, shame, and physical punishments for putting our needs first. Another word for self-abandonment is sacrifice, as we often sacrifice our self-interests for the interests of others to receive approval, and to avoid receiving punishments. ISN’T PROTECTING OUR SELF INTERESTS SELFISH? According to Ayn Rand, and I hold to […] Read more »

Ayn Rand – Why Altruism is Evil

I’m not a fan of the dichotomy of Service to Self (STS) vs Service to Others (STO) found in the Law of One material by the so-called soul group “Ra”. It states that serving ones own self-interests is evil and that serving others is good, however, I would say that at the very least, it’s a false dichotomy fallacy and egocentric oversimplification of our options for aligning our soul, and […] Read more »

Exercising my Rights is a Crime?

Those who think that the natural transmission of a disease is a violation of rights and an act of aggression are being ridiculous, and such a notion is an inversion of negative law. They’ve obviously been playing way too many zombie related video games and watching way too much scripted television programming, therefore causing them to blur the lines between fiction and reality in their minds; the basic premise that […] Read more »

Altruism is Evil – Ayn Rand

  “What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value. Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others. These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in […] Read more »