Our Thoughts on Channeling, and the Need for Discernment

We see imposter channeling ALL the time. If people do not have discernment when speaking to others in this realm, they will not have discernment in who they speak with in other realms. Fortunately, as we refine our discernment here, our discernment also improves there. Many people value having their ears tickled with clever deceptions more than they value the truth, as truth can be quite destructive at times. Thus, […] Read more »

Boundaries Defined

Boundaries are a fence around our being that clearly define where we begin and end in relationship to Self and others, as they show us what is and is not a reasonable use of our value and energy. Our boundaries frame the safe space from which we are able to create the life of our dreams, where we can be as unique and creative as we choose. Enmeshment is where […] Read more »

The Trivium’s Evil Twin: Hegel’s Dialectic

As you may already know from other articles we’ve written, the Trivium is a method of critical thinking based in asking questions in a specific cyclical order.  It comprises the first three of the liberal arts of “grammar, logic, and rhetoric”, where liberal stands for “free man“; historically, the liberal arts where not allowed to be taught to slaves, but only to the “free man”.  The Trivium’s order of asking […] Read more »

The Public Assault on Gender

Have you noticed the recent war on gender in the media, and the release of coinciding government laws? It’s been in effect for decades now, but it has definitely picked up steam in the past few years. Media talking points such as pansexual, gender fluidity, transgender bathrooms, gay marriage, and more. Important note:  While we are not against any of these things in their own right, as individuals have the right to […] Read more »