A Logocentric Philosophical Christian or a Christian Philosopher?

Is the foundation of my faith theological or philosophical? What is the difference? By far, the vast majority of Christians are theological Christians and not necessarily philosophical Christians, and while on the surface it may look similar to the casual onlooker, especially those who do not understand the difference, at the foundation, it can be quite different. While I have no emotional judgmentalness against theological Christians for their foundation, I […] Read more »

Veganism’s Faulty Foundational Premise: Animal Rights

The ideology of veganism (distinct from a vegan diet) is a subjective ideology built on the flawed premise that animals have natural rights, and that their natural rights make it immoral for humans to benefit from them in any way. The ideology of veganism states that an animal’s rights stem from their ability to feel pain, however, at least according to the philosophy of natural law, rights are derived from […] Read more »

The Two Types of “Persons”

According to Blacks Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1910, there are two types of “persons”, artificial and natural. Those who identify with an ideology, aka an ideologue, are an artificial person, and those who have done the self-reflection and inner work necessary to emancipate themselves from unnatural ideologies and systems are natural persons. We’re either subject to the law of reason (natural law), or to the laws of men; it’s our […] Read more »