Do Human Beings Have Intrinsic Self-Worth, or Are We Measured by our Utility?

Ayn Rand’s Objectivism asserts that the individual is an end, not a means, judged by rational achievements and integrity rather than utility to others—an idea that challenges conventional views of value and purpose. This perspective invites us to explore how humans define worth, not just for themselves but for truth itself, and how these definitions shape spirituality, philosophy, and economics. What follows is an examination of this tension, tracing a […] Read more »

Duality, the Garden of Eden, and Ayn Rand

In the biblical narrative, duality emerges as a consequence of humanity’s choice to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, an act framed by me as providing the necessary “opt-out” from a higher harmony and morality, to ensure free will. Eating the “forbidden fruit” plunges existence into a polarized state, where good and evil are no longer integrated within a unified moral framework but are instead […] Read more »

Liberty, Justice, and Truth Synthesized

Question for’s Grok 3: In two paragraphs, explain the concept of liberty from a classical liberal perspective. In two paragraphs, define justice and an ideal justice system that differs from a legal system, built upon both John Locke’s and Frederic Bastiat’s philosophies. In two additional paragraphs, explain the concept of truth from a critical thinking and philosophical perspective, such as Socrates and Aristotle. In three final paragraphs, write a […] Read more »

The Need for a Justice System Instead of a Legal System

Society often conflates a legal system with a justice system, yet they diverge in purpose and spirit. A legal system enforces rules shaped by authority, often favoring compliance over fairness, while a justice system seeks truth and its principles to ensure right triumphs. We need a justice system because humanity demands more than rote order—it craves a process that probes the essence of our actions. Truth, not law, should mediate […] Read more »

Conformity, Justice, and Honoring Thy Father and Mother

Conformity Consciousness: Conformity consciousness is the awareness and internalization of social norms and expectations, guiding individuals to align their behavior, beliefs, or appearance with those of their group or society to achieve acceptance or harmony. ~Grok 2 Justice (n.) “the exercise of authority in vindication of right by assigning reward or punishment;” also “moral soundness and conformity to truth.” In the past, I have discussed the three main densities of […] Read more »

A Classical Liberal View on Liberty, Truth, and Objective Justice

In a way, AI has provided a means to integrate the process of writing and the outcome into one thing, but only as long as the question is pure, and the AI being queried has some capacity to reason in a multilogical fashion. This makes it seem like “magic”, much like the 9th level of consciousness in spiral dynamics, which is called “the return to magic”, but it isn’t magic […] Read more »

The Power Over Others Game vs the Logocentric Truth Game: The Actual Evil vs Good

I began writing this article back on July 31st, 2024 as I was starting to see a pattern of basic assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors that filtered into two major categories of relating to others, each having their own very distinct rules for playing, the “power over others game” and the “Logocentric truth game”. It was turning into quite a long article when my family and I had a massive collision […] Read more »

Freedom, Safety, & Natural Law

Natural law can be boiled down to two main pillars, the masculine self-defense principle and the feminine non-aggression principle (NAP), and BOTH provide freedom as a cause and they provide safety as an effect; it can be summarized by the saying “do no harm and take no shit”. The masculine self-defense principle provides freedom to myself to live my life free from external interference (as long as I stay within […] Read more »

How to Defeat Power-Directed Systems of Thought

It is not the truth of Marxism that explains the willingness of intellectuals to believe it, but the power that it confers on intellectuals, in their attempts to control the world. And since, as Swift says, it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its remarkable power to survive every criticism to the fact that it […] Read more »

Boundaries & Affirmations for Channeling the “Other Side”

It is really easy to figure out lies here in this world through the use of logic, verifying evidence, examining the philosophy of something, and cross referencing it with morality, however, it is far more difficult to use such skills when speaking to beings on the other side of the veil, because we really just can’t verify how things actually are over there due to our inability to verify it […] Read more »

Ayn Rand’s Philosophy on the Link Between Morality and Reason

Quesion to Why did Ayn Rand believe that morality and reason are interconnected? What moral rules was she able to discern through the use of reason? A: Ayn Rand believed that morality and reason are interconnected because she saw reason as the ultimate tool for understanding and navigating the world. According to her philosophy, Objectivism, the proper use of reason leads to the discovery of objective moral principles that […] Read more »

Vampire Slaying: A Metaphor for Exposing Lies

Vampires are a metaphor for liars and the lies they tell, for example, vampires are afraid of the sunlight, which is akin to falsehoods not being able to hold up to the light of healthy skepticism and scrutiny, aka the truth disintegrates lies much like sunlight disintegrates vampires. Vampires, like liars and lies, prefer the cover of darkness because it’s easier to hunt for hapless victims when their prey is […] Read more »

Why is it so difficult to wake people up to the truth?

I am often asked, especially more recently with the world caught up in such a gigantic lie, why it is so difficult to wake people up to the truth. This is a really great question, but it’s a difficult one to digest because it takes some humility and courage on the part of the one receiving my answer. If you’re not interested in eating a full serving of humble pie, […] Read more »

On Sovereignty | Deep Code Experiments: Episode 10

This is an excellent and thought provoking discussion. Jordan Hall’s three aspects of sovereignty are basically the first three of the Liberal Arts, also known as the Trivium; grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Grammar corresponds to knowledge, logic corresponds to understanding, and rhetoric corresponds to wisdom; knowledge asks what, where, when, and who questions, understanding asks why questions, and wisdom asks how questions. In this system, at least from what we’ve […] Read more »

The Metaphor of the Crucifixion and Judgment Day Explained

What does the Crucifixion of Jesus represent? It is the conscious decision to turn away from contrary evidence, and to fully embrace and double down on the desire to continue on in one’s delusions, falsehoods, and lies. It is the desire, rooted in envy, to destroy reason and Truth by any means necessary, despite the negative consequences it might have on the individual or group’s short or long term well […] Read more »