Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Featuring Carl Jung & the Mythology of Star Wars

George Lucas and Star Wars was inspired by Joseph Campbell’s work “the Hero’s Journey”, while Joseph Campbell was inspired by Carl Jung’s psychological models. Carl Jung developed what we know as shadow work, which integrates the darkness and light into one within an individual. George Lucas was therefore in the mystical lineage of the man who pioneered the Gray Mystic’s (Jedi’s) path to emotional wholeness, balance, and mastery. Campbell’s ideas […] Read more »

Exoteric vs Esoteric Spirituality

I see a lot of “teachers” who are exoteric (externalized) in their worldview, aka, they are approaching spirituality through the lens of a materialism, even if they are rebelling against it. Unfortunately, just because they may be rebelling against the effects of materialism doesn’t mean that they have corrected the false paradigm from their thinking. Whereas materialism is exoteric, mysticism is esoteric (internalized), and deals with the inner world of […] Read more »

Interview with Gray Jedi Sethikus Boza

The Force Awakens–Breaking through the Archon Matrix with Sethikus Boza Archons and the genetic harvesters of the planet’s consciousness, meet the spiritual Jedi’s who have awakened! How to cultivate the force within to break through the matrix of false awareness is explored with Sethikus Boza. Transcending the vortex that spans many dimensions and leaves humanity lost, we meditate on the metaphysical evolution that is happening in society and try to […] Read more »

What is Mindfulness to the Gray Mystic?

In the Star Wars Prequels, we often hear Anakin being reminded to be “mindful of his feelings”, but what exactly does this mean to a Gray Jedi / Mystic? Is it the same thing that was implied by Obi Wan and Yoda, or is it something different? Additionally, what does it mean to the Light Side mystic? To the Dark Side mystic? Read more »

What is Instant Karma?

What is karma, and by extension, what is instant karma?  The concept is extremely important to mystics of all types, learn how it pertains to how it governs how mystics from the various dispositions interact with one another. I apologize for the camera becoming blurry on and off in this recording, I am not sure why it had problems. Read more »

Spontaneous Awakening – Can it Actually Happen?

As we all know, Rey had a spontaneous awakening into the Force in Star Wars Episode VII, “the Force Awakens”. However, is this even possible in the real world? Is there a precedent for spontaneous awakening to the Force within Mysticism, or is this just magical thinking? Watch the video to learn more about spontaneous awakening… Read more »

Gray Mysticism and the Sixth Hermetic Principle of Cause & Effect

The sixth Hermetic Principle states, “ever cause has an effect, and every effect has its cause”. How does a Gray Mystic interpret the principle of cause and effect? Read more »

Welcome to the Gray Mystic’s YouTube Channel!

I have a new YouTube channel that discusses the concept of Gray Mysticism, which is about maintaining a neutral / balanced disposition, as opposed to the light vs dark duality. I discuss this within the context of the Star Wars concept of the Jedi, and their connection with the Force, as they’re based on historic alchemical practices. Welcome to my new YouTube channel, for the Gray Jedi in the real world. Read more »