Jordan Peterson on the mindless #NPC‘s who repetitively spew forth their ideology without actually having thought themselves to their own conclusions. “People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.” ―Carl Jung We’ve created an integrative methodology called “the Unity Process“, which combines the Hermetic Principles (Natural Law), the Trivium Method, Socratic Questioning, Jungian shadow work, and the Emotional Freedom Techniques (meridian tapping)—into an easy to use system that allows people to […] Read more »
On Sovereignty | Deep Code Experiments: Episode 10
This is an excellent and thought provoking discussion. Jordan Hall’s three aspects of sovereignty are basically the first three of the Liberal Arts, also known as the Trivium; grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Grammar corresponds to knowledge, logic corresponds to understanding, and rhetoric corresponds to wisdom; knowledge asks what, where, when, and who questions, understanding asks why questions, and wisdom asks how questions. In this system, at least from what we’ve […] Read more »
NPC Meme & Simulated Thinking
The NPC concept is something that I have been chewing on for a few years now, as various forms of mysticism have long recognized a brand of human that is not capable of thinking for themselves, and is called an anthropoid by some, and back fill people by others, but it basically equates to the concept of NPC’s (non-player characters) in tabletop and video gaming. NPC’s are characters that do […] Read more »
Reason, Authority, & Natural Law
In this video I examine what it means to be an authority, both over others, and how it pertains to self-ownership and self-governance. I draw on concepts from John Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government”, and show how reason is what differentiates the governed and those who govern. Second Treatise of Government, by John Locke: If you prefer a one time gift, support us on PayPal: Join the discussion! […] Read more »
Enlightenment: A Logocentric Focus
Enlightenment is not an end goal, but reflects the process of engaging in daily life; it is the middle step, and not the last step, in a three step progression. This is why so many great individuals speak with reverence of the beauty found within life’s journey, and that it is superior to the destination. The enlightenment period in Western history further developed many Logocentric philosophies, all of which dealt […] Read more »
The Marginalization of “Conspiracy Theories” Due to a Lack of Empirical Proof
Many people will marginalize collusion and conspiracy as a “conspiracy theory” because there is not enough empirical proof to properly explain the crime. It should be noted that empiricism is just one tool in the bag of those who draw on the values of the enlightenment period, and that rationalism is also an important tool to draw on from enlightenment values (Rationalism vs Empiricism). Rationalism does not require empirical proof, […] Read more »
A Guide to Leftist Fallacies
I would add the strawman fallacy, as well as the single cause fallacy. The strawman is because they misrepresent arguments often, and even repeat the strawman ad nauseam, and the single cause fallacy is because they constantly reduce complex and nuanced arguments to simple arguments (giving multilogical problems monological solutions). They even combine these two fallacies by turning them into an ad hominem by reducing the character of the person […] Read more »
The Single Cause Fallacy and False Accusations
Beware of making and giving credence to the “single cause fallacy” (causal reductionism, complex cause, fallacy of the causal oversimplification, reduction fallacy), for it “typically leads to a myriad of false claims and accusations”, as noted below. It is also connected to the straw man fallacy, as it can be used to reduce a person or argument to a single motivation or reason for being something, thus misrepresenting their complex […] Read more »
Is it Fairminded to Entertain the Delusions of the Mentally Ill?
Here are my thoughts on entering into a fairminded conversation with those who participate in identity politics, and desire what is termed “social justice”. Such ideologies are rooted in envy, and seek to tear down successful people and their creations to the lowest common denominator in the name of fairness, and according to the Freudian School of Psychoanalysis, the root of all mental illness is also envy. Therefore, it can […] Read more »
The Metaphor of the Crucifixion and Judgment Day Explained
What does the Crucifixion of Jesus represent? It is the conscious decision to turn away from contrary evidence, and to fully embrace and double down on the desire to continue on in one’s delusions, falsehoods, and lies. It is the desire, rooted in envy, to destroy reason and Truth by any means necessary, despite the negative consequences it might have on the individual or group’s short or long term well […] Read more »
Arguing with Sophists
Sophistry; fabricating evidence and arguments to support a position, usually based on an emotional attachment to an identity built upon falsities, rather than allowing reason and evidence to shape a position, regardless of how it affects one’s identity. Attempting to have a rational and fairminded discussion with a sophist is anything but fairminded, and never will be, as the two forms of thinking are motivated by contradictory end goals. One […] Read more »
Is it the Patriarchy, or the Dark Triad, that’s Exploiting Western Society?
I’ve come to find that there is a large element of misdirection in the concept of patriarchy and male domination. It’s not masculine imbalance at fault, but rather the Dark Triad, which is a deadly combination of Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy, that is the true core issue; and blaming men is just the convenient scapegoat. Women tend to display the dark triad in a different manner than men with the […] Read more »
Goodbye to the Left
Leftism attacks and demonizes clarity, distinctions, reason, relevance, precision, and nuance using deception, inversion, confusion, distortions, intimidation, name calling, conflation, and generalizations to subvert and pervert anything different from itself. Leftism’s logical end is a intellectually homogeneous society free from distinctions, uniqueness, individuality, free speech, and free thought—and it plans to get there all in the name of social justice and equity for all. Read more »
How the Elite Became Our Gods
In this video I discuss how the proof by assertion fallacy is being used to create a new slave reality for all who will buy into their illusion. What can you do to break free from their lies? Would you like to leave the Matrix? Check out our Eventbrite page where we practice working through our emotional upsets and poor thinking in a productive manner, to create inner peace and […] Read more »
Socratic Questioning Lecture w/ Examples (7 Videos)
We recommend the Socratic Method for all discussions, interactions, conflict resolution, teaching, and processing emotional upsets, as it is a “mode of questioning that deeply probes the meaning, justification, or logical strength of a claim, position, or line of reasoning. Socratic Questioning can be carried out in a variety of ways and adapted to many levels of ability and understanding (” Read more »