The Witcher is DOOMED: How Show Runners Gaslight and Use Circular Reasoning

Like in the beginning of this video, with the clip of the interviewer calling fans toxic when fans are upset that their favorite characters and universes are disrespected by the show runners/shows, they are gaslighting fans for the “non-contradiction principle” found in philosophy. This principle is natural and therefore universal, because contradictions are not found in nature, so they are either an error in reasoning/understanding, or they are a lie. […] Read more »

Accusations & the Burden of Proof

When making an accusation against another person, the burden of proof is on the accuser to prove the claim with sufficient evidence and reasoning. If the accuser is not clear about what exactly they are accusing a person of, and if there is not enough reasoning or evidence to back up their assertions, then there is a good chance that they are shadow projecting their own emotional baggage onto the […] Read more »

Should We Use the Bible to Measure Truth?

It is standard Christian teaching that when evaluating what somebody else says or writes, to judge it against Biblical scripture as the test of whether or not it is true; and anything that does not line up with their understanding of what they think the Bible is saying is therefore false. In this way, they have placed what the Bible says, and more importantly, what their interpretation of what the […] Read more »