What does “Mandatory” Actually Mean?

When something is mandatory, are we always obliged to obey it as if it is an objective law, such as those found in nature? Is it a criminal matter, a civil one, a commercial one? According to Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition 1910, something that is “mandatory” is essentially a “command” (see full definition in graphic above) from one party to another. This begs the question, are commands issued from […] Read more »

The Potential False Dilemma of Service to Self (STS) vs Service to Others (STO)

You can read the Law of One channelings given down from the group soul calling itself “Ra” HERE, and their position is fairly nuanced, and due to that, can easily be taken out of context by well meaning yet misinformed individuals. However, I would dare to say that there were better ways to explain the differentiation between benevolent and malevolent beings, ways that would have created less confusion, then presenting […] Read more »

The Microcosm, the Macrocosm, and the Principles of Correspondence and Cause and Effect

In a previous article (from 2016) titled “Exoteric vs Esoteric Spirituality” I talked about how many spiritual teachers are focused on external actions and reality as a means of becoming more conscious, rather than on developing a rich internal world obtained through cultivating one’s thinking via shadow work, self-reflection and self-assessment, deconstructing limiting beliefs and poor logic, increasing knowledge, especially self-knowledge, conscious arguing, and processing emotional upsets as they arise. […] Read more »

The Twin Towers of Moral Error: Blasphemy & Being Judgmental

As I’ve mentioned a few times in previous blog posts, the “sin of blasphemy” is essentially elevating one’s subjective preferences and finite understanding to equal status with Divine law, understanding, and will. It is arrogantly mocking God’s universal laws and precepts through placing one’s own finite perceptions, beliefs, preferences, and ideas as if they were equal to or better than what is found in nature’s principles. When such a person […] Read more »

Transwoman … Says Its TRANSPHOBIA Not To Date Transwomen

Claiming that it is transphobia, a supposed hate crime, to not date transwomen is both blasphemy against the Divine, as well as an inversion of morality, and I will explain why on both points. First, whenever someone takes a subjective preference and elevates it to the level of objective truth, they are blaspheming against the Divine, because objectivity, reason, and truth are the realm of universal law and nature’s principles; […] Read more »

Vampire Slaying: A Metaphor for Exposing Lies

Vampires are a metaphor for liars and the lies they tell, for example, vampires are afraid of the sunlight, which is akin to falsehoods not being able to hold up to the light of healthy skepticism and scrutiny, aka the truth disintegrates lies much like sunlight disintegrates vampires. Vampires, like liars and lies, prefer the cover of darkness because it’s easier to hunt for hapless victims when their prey is […] Read more »

Developing Individuality Through Exploring our Personal Preferences

Self-exploration is as much about preferences as it is about learning/grounding into objective morality and truth. That’s what freedom is all about, the opportunity to explore and refine our preferences without external interference, thereby allowing us to refine our individuality. Once we secure our objective liberties we are safe, but from there, we have to go do the things that free people do, in law called “enjoyment“, and for that, […] Read more »

You Will Own NOTHING!! Here’s How They Plan to Make You “Happy”

Take a second to consider that there is something valuable that you own, and that is yourself. Then consider that some of the things you do own are ultimately an extension of yourself, they allow you to be you, they allow you to exercise the ownership of yourself in the world. This is fundamentally why having a place to call home, having a way to move around, and having the […] Read more »

Feminist Roundup

This (the above meme) is because the weak writers of newer projects are projecting their own desire to be powerful, liked, smart, and successful, among other things., onto their characters, rather than creating characters and then developing them. Instead of allowing their characters to go on a hero’s journey and develop from a flawed individual into the triumphant hero, they go on a toxically low self image, envious, and narcissistic […] Read more »

How Roof Koreans Took Back Los Angeles

The purpose of the self-defense principle, firearms, and the justice system is to heavily weight the cost-benefit analysis of committing crimes against innocents by raising the costs of crime and reducing its benefits. However, there has been a concerted campaign the past several years to reverse the costs and benefits of crime by having the police arrest those defending themselves and releasing those who perpetrate crimes against innocents, therefore inverting […] Read more »

2A: The Right to Bear Arms Only Applies to Standing Armies and Militias?

I once again heard the argument that the second amendment of the US Constitution in the Bill or Rights was only addressing the continental army and the militias, and is not an individual right to bear arms. This is absolutely silly for three reasons, first that a militia is made up of regular people and is not a standing army, so where do “the people” get their arms from if […] Read more »

The Common Law and How it Pertains to Abortion “Rights”

Below is a conversation I had with a Libertarian on a Facebook post he made, not due to the post itself, but a comment thread he was involved in. I find that many Libertarians can also be quite ideological, rather than philosophical, due to their lack of logical insight into the tenets of natural law, the origin of an individual’s natural rights due to man’s ability to use and master […] Read more »

Self-Ownership: My Body, My Choice?

I took a lot of unexpected flack on a recent post about taking self-ownership, and how owning ourselves is the property right from whence all other property rights stem, because many people thought that I was making a pro-abortion post along the lines of “my body, my choice”. Here’s the post I shared: Before I discuss my observations about how people responded, I will critique two things about the above […] Read more »

Protesting is an Appeal to Author(ity)

What does protesting accomplish besides acknowledge someone else’s power and author(ity) over us? From my understanding of US history, protesting is a relatively new form of expressing one’s frustration in the hopes that those who are watching are intimidated enough to listen to our pleas, but current politicians don’t serve us, rather they serve people way scarier than us. Is it really exercising our right to free speech to go […] Read more »

BEWARE of The New Age Pied Pipers!

Is there such thing as “controlled opposition”? Absolutely. It is naive and folly to think otherwise, and I do find much of the evidence presented in this video (see below) compelling, and some of the reasoning and conclusions as well. However, there are four things we need to be careful of in regards to coming to reasoned judgments when calling out people and movements, because it’s important that we stay […] Read more »