Equality & Equal Outcome is a Myth

‪Equality between people is a myth; those who want to feel equal actually want to feel special, to feel that their uniqueness can contribute and add value in some way. Those who don’t feel special feel inferior, and they try to find ways to compensate for their feelings of inferiority by trying to feel equal, but one cannot reach equality from inferiority, one can only flip into its dualistic counterpart […] Read more »

Dealing with Sophists: Proving Your Argument vs Proving Yourself

Have you ever been caught off guard by a person who was attempting to debate you, rather than attempting to engage you in a fairminded conversation?  They ask for proof of your position, which on the surface seems to be a reasonable request, and they may even veil their position with words such as “science”, “reason”, or some altruistic motives, but since it is a debate against you and not […] Read more »

Intellectual Self-Defense and the Four Circuits of Being

There are four primary circuits of being, and each circuit transcends yet includes previous circuits. physical → emotional → rational → moral A moral person has fully incorporated their rational, emotional, and physical states of being. The emotional transcends and includes the physical, the rational transcends and includes the emotional and physical, and the moral transcends and includes the rational, emotional, and physical states of being. A moral being is […] Read more »

An Introduction to the Elements of Thought & the Nine Intellectual Standards

Here are some great introductory videos on the Elements of Thought and the nine Intellectual Standards.  For those who wish to master their lives, they will first need to master how thinking works, and how thinking improves and becomes more objective—after all, we do live in a mental universe governed by thought. “The All is mind; the Universe is mental.” ~The Kybalion, the First Hermetic Principle; Mentalism Click HERE for […] Read more »

The Rewards of Self-Deception, and why it is the Satanic Path

Self-fallacy, self-fallere (fallere = Latin for “to deceive”), aka self-deception, is a real problem for humanity. Rationalization, which is reasoning from a desired conclusion rather than reasoning from a solid premise, is called in the cognitive sciences emotionally motivated reasoning. Think of rationalization as the inversion of reason, where all inversion is “metaphorically “Satanic”, and it leads to Machiavellian thinking and behaviors, where the ends justify the means. Motivated reasoning […] Read more »

Intellectual Self Defense Example #1

Here’s another intellectual self-defense post with accompanying screen shots. This was a conversation I was having with another somewhat fairminded individual in a philosophy group, where the main topic of the group is liberty. An ideologue jumped in and decided to laugh at and ridicule my main two comments (that contained reasonable questions) without actually engaging, formulating an argument, or saying anything else. I chose to call him out for […] Read more »

The Weaponized Dialectic & How to Neutralize It

Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was the philosopher who discovered that society progresses through a series of dialectics, which he termed thesis (problem), antithesis (reaction to the problem), and synthesis (the alchemical solution to the problem). Marx later took this concept and made it a weaponized tool of manipulation, whereby a person or group could create engineered (fabricated, synthetic) dialectics in which they could steer a population to a predetermined location. The […] Read more »

The Trivium, the Dunning-Kruger Effect, and Intellectual Self-Defense w/ Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore from the Volitional Science Network and I had a discussion on the Trivium, the Dunning-Kruger Effect, and how to use intellectual self-defense with those displaying the Dunning-Kruger Effect, which is his specialty. If you’d like to hear a thoughtful conversation, feel free to check it out.   Follow Dylan Moore at the Volitional Science Network: https://www.youtube.com/user/CrazyVysty Here’s the video where I first discovered Dylan, and where I learned […] Read more »

The Burden of Proof & Violent Mass Events

The burden of proof lies with someone who is making a claim, and is not upon anyone else to disprove. The inability, or disinclination to disprove a claim does not make it valid. “Bertrand declares that a teapot is, at this very moment, in orbit around the Sun between Earth and Mars, and that because no one can prove him wrong his claim is therefore valid.” ~Your Logical Fallacy Is […] Read more »

Crash Course on the Fundamentals of Defense Against Manipulation

The exact breakdown of the line which separates win-win interactions from win-lose interactions. One of the big questions of philosophy I never see people dive into is when it is NOT time to argue properly, or when to stop worrying about how to argue. This is not an overview of philosophical reasoning and the breakdown of how deductive arguments work. This video contains a crash course Fundamentals of intellectual self-defense […] Read more »

Toxic Masculinity or a Lack of Emotional Intelligence?

What’s being described as “toxic masculinity” is just a lack of emotional intelligence, which is something that women can lack as well. Emotional intelligence is the ability to turn one’s intelligence back in on itself, and to use intelligence as a guide to navigate one’s feelings. Creating the erroneous label of toxic masculinity misdiagnoses the issue by basing it on a superficial character trait, sets women against men, which in […] Read more »

Needing mirrors

Right on about his example about apples and oranges, where he said something to the effect that “I prefer apples” suddenly means “what, you don’t like oranges?” The subjective, which is the realm of preferences, has been turned into the realm of objective needs, and made into the same thing. This drops everyone right into Karpman’s Drama Triangle of victim, villain, and hero. In his example, the subjective preference of […] Read more »

Jordan Peterson Responds to Angry Letters from Student Critics

Jordan Peterson on the mindless #NPC‘s who repetitively spew forth their ideology without actually having thought themselves to their own conclusions. “People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.” ―Carl Jung We’ve created an integrative methodology called “the Unity Process“, which combines the Hermetic Principles (Natural Law), the Trivium Method, Socratic Questioning, Jungian shadow work, and the Emotional Freedom Techniques (meridian tapping)—into an easy to use system that allows people to […] Read more »

On Sovereignty | Deep Code Experiments: Episode 10

This is an excellent and thought provoking discussion. Jordan Hall’s three aspects of sovereignty are basically the first three of the Liberal Arts, also known as the Trivium; grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Grammar corresponds to knowledge, logic corresponds to understanding, and rhetoric corresponds to wisdom; knowledge asks what, where, when, and who questions, understanding asks why questions, and wisdom asks how questions. In this system, at least from what we’ve […] Read more »

NPC Meme & Simulated Thinking

The NPC concept is something that I have been chewing on for a few years now, as various forms of mysticism have long recognized a brand of human that is not capable of thinking for themselves, and is called an anthropoid by some, and back fill people by others, but it basically equates to the concept of NPC’s (non-player characters) in tabletop and video gaming.  NPC’s are characters that do […] Read more »