Beware of False Teachers & Leaders

Each person speaks and writes their insights from the level that they are at, and from where their perceptions are in the moment they are conveying their message. If they have not honed their ability to reason, especially with a system of critical thinking that continually asks and refines questions (we recommend the Trivium), then the messages that they are conveying are going to be quite limited, uninformed, and lacking reason. […] Read more »

Rationality or Spirituality?

Rationality and spirituality not only mix, they are intimately tied into one another; spirituality devoid of logic is ignorant and delusional, while rationality devoid of spirit is entropic and lifeless. In order for us to experience a life filled with meaning and direction, the two must be harmoniously balanced by a third ingredient—our emotions. It is our emotional attachments that make us either too logical or too irrational, where we […] Read more »

Create a Limitless Life!

Aline and I re-watched the movie Limitless again, since there is a new television series by the same name that picks up a side story based within the original movie’s parameters.  Watching the movie reminded us of how we are already “limitless” in so many ways, having exercised our reasoning, and removed many of our emotional attachments through conscious observation.  As humans, we do not require an NZT-48 designer drug […] Read more »

Einstein on Education

Einstein is often quoted as having said, “education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” However, this was not his exact wording, but a paraphrasing of what he said in a letter to Thomas Edison: “It is not so very important for a person to learn facts. For that he does not really need a college. He can learn them from books. The […] Read more »

Critical Thinking in Your Personal Interactions

Did you know that the Trivium method of critical thinking, of utilizing the process of asking “what”, “why”, and “how”, can be repeated in any interpersonal conversation?  Critical thinking isn’t just beneficial in an argument, but can be a way of thinking in each moment and interaction — as it can be beneficial to gain as much data as possible, and then process the data, prior to making decisions of any size.   […] Read more »

Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving

Applying the Trivium method of critical thinking to EFT, Tantra, consciousness, spirituality, etc., can magnify your process, results, and experience exponentially. This article by Tragedy & Hope is worth reading several times. ~Nathan Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving by 8thestate Read more »