Empathetic Reasoning, Sympathy, and Compassion

Most people hold a different definition of empathy than I do. Their version of empathy is how I define sympathy, and sympathy definitely needs to be held in check, because it’s typically psychologically enmeshed “together with the feeling”, which is the etymological breakdown of sympathy. Empathy: -en (in) + pathos (feeling) Sympathy: syn- (together) + pathos (feeling) Whereas sympathy is enmeshed together with others in a feeling, and only understands […] Read more »

Developing Our Individuality Should Be Our Core Value

Do “the needs of the many,” really outweigh “the needs of the few?”  We have concluded that the development of our individuality should be at the forefront of everything we engage in, and not the development of the group, or the structures erected to protect and perpetuate the group. This may seem selfish at first, but there is an important nuance that most people miss when making this judgment. For […] Read more »

Collective vs Individual Reality Generation

Each being can be likened to an individual film projector, where the life force energy that flows through each person is the film, and thus the story, that each gets to create and experience.  This life force energy has many names, whether it is chi, kundalini, natural law, or the Force, but for all intents and purposes, it is actually “time/space”. This actuality has far reaching ramifications, as it means […] Read more »

Why our Attachments Keep us Enslaved

While we may state that we want to be left alone, in peace, to be empowered to create the lives that we choose, and that we consciously strive to individuate from the collective unconscious with shadow work and raising self-awareness, there still seems to be something getting in the way of our freedom and sovereignty.  We think that we may have discovered “why”, and it relates to our attachments, and how […] Read more »

Are We Really All One?

Oneness is not a linear value or number, but a quality of intimate connectedness within our Self.  The belief that we are all one is only true once we are One inside, but until then, it is just enmeshment and codependency, which is a sick unity.  Being One from the inside reflects our uniqueness out, but being one externally enslaves our soul within our body.  We cannot experience the fullness […] Read more »