Protesting is an Appeal to Author(ity)

What does protesting accomplish besides acknowledge someone else’s power and author(ity) over us? From my understanding of US history, protesting is a relatively new form of expressing one’s frustration in the hopes that those who are watching are intimidated enough to listen to our pleas, but current politicians don’t serve us, rather they serve people way scarier than us. Is it really exercising our right to free speech to go […] Read more »

Elon Musk and Karpman’s Drama Triangle

With Elon Musk’s recent purchase of Twitter, he has been thrust from a boy wonder to billionaire philanthropist here to save free speech from the clutches of evil leftist demagogues. From around 2012 or so, with the election of Barack Obama as the president of the United States, Western culture, including countries in Europe, New Zealand, and Australia, have made a drastic hard turn to the far totalitarian left. While […] Read more »

Leftist Logic: Free Speech is Lawless Speech

To paint “free speech” as “lawless speech” is a strawman fallacy, as well as the false dichotomy fallacy, because they are 1) equating freedom with lawlessness, which is a misrepresentation of free speech, and 2) because they are giving a false spectrum of options between the range of censored speech and lawless speech. As Paul from the New Testament once pointed out, the law of nature/reason is written upon the […] Read more »

The Immorality of Mandatory Vaccinations and Compelled Speech

Why are mandatory medical procedures, such as mandatory vaccinations, immoral? Here’s one reason: The scientific method is based on inductive reasoning, which is different than deductive reasoning in that the conclusion is not certain, but rather a generalization and probability based on the collected evidence. The conclusion of deductive reasoning can be certain, even if the conclusion is wrong (because it was fed incorrect premises), however, the conclusion of inductive […] Read more »

Misconceptions About Free Speech & Domination

One of the biggest weaknesses of the West, and of America in particular, is it’s naivety against predators utilizing the liberties of the West to exploit and engineer the downfall of the West.  This means using the free market to create a corporate monopoly as a means of ending open competition, and using the freedoms of speech as a means of ending free speech and individual autonomy. As an example […] Read more »

The Decreasing Viability of YouTube as a Platform for Independent Creators

Dave Cullen examines the viability of continuing to use YouTube as a platform.  He brings up the interesting point that while Google is a private company, and can seemingly do as it wishes in regards to censorship, they built up their stock and became a monopoly as a result of the free market system.  Does a monopoly have the right to censor?   Read more »

Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy

Look, it’s Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy! The new Netflix series is just awful, and pushes what is called “motivated science”, otherwise known as propaganda. It defends man made climate change (the solar system is heating up, not just our planet), big pharma, vaccines, artificial intelligence, GMO’s, overpopulation, and the new non binary gender trend. That about covers every major battleground being waged between true science vs State sanctioned propaganda […] Read more »

Interview with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson | Free Speech & Social Justice

In this very exciting stream, I (Roaming Millennial) interview University of Toronto professor Dr. Jordan Peterson about the controversy surrounding his opposition to Bill C-16, the importance of free speech, gender issues (including non-binary identities and pronouns), and the current prominence of social justice in academia. ~Roaming Millennial Read more »

The Psychology of Obedience and The Virtue of Disobedience

This is extremely relevant to the current drama playing out on the world stage.  Are you willing to develop your inner sense of Self to the degree that is necessary to leave behind this corrupt system of external rule?  Are you willing to take responsibility for yourself, and learn how to work together with others in a Voluntaryist manner; with those who also desire self-rule?  When push comes to shove […] Read more »