My partner and I have been discussing the concept of the the Adamic man and pre-Adamic man, and how pre-Adamic man doesn’t have an internal monologue, has an external locus of identity, and lacks a distinct will of their own (instead being subject to a group mind/group soul). Mystics call them “organic portals”, “soulless humans”, “anthropoids”, and “spiritless humans”, and are essentially considered NPC’s in a video game that are […] Read more »
Why do Dark Occultists use Sacred Geometry?
I made the following comment on a video that was demonizing sacred geometry because it was being historically used by dark occultists, and also currently being used by dark occultists in the entertainment industry. I was quite frustrated by their lack of critical thinking and poor logic, which was good at pointing out that there was indeed a dark message being conveyed, but was accompanied by ridiculous reasoning based on their […] Read more »
Beware of Reasoning with the Blind
Attempting to prove a concept or idea with reason to a person who is currently unable (and especially unwilling) to perceive it’s validity can be quite emotionally taxing, since they do not have the same “knowing” (knowledge/gnosis) as you, nor the desire to open their perceptions wide enough to know it for themselves. They will remain stuck in the “appeal to ignorance” logical fallacy, since they are lacking the knowledge […] Read more »
How to Remember Who we Are
The Ruiner said something in a comment that got me thinking, he said “Our minds cannot make sense of choices made at other levels. Which is why we don’t ‘remember’ the choices we made while incarnating, for the most part.” Meaning that the reasoning behind our choices as higher beings, and our understanding that prompts those choices, are so far beyond our current ability to process logic, that we cannot […] Read more »
GMO Mysticism
The deceiver’s have made it quite difficult for those who choose to awaken to progress, via hijacking the terminology, names, and stories of the mystic paths and crafting elaborate copies, which we see now as the world’s religions. Beyond that though, even the mystical paths have copies, so now terms such as unity, gnosis, understanding, logic, wisdom, shadow work, wholeness, empowerment, archons, alchemy, transformation, Tantra, sacred sexuality, community, and even Hermetics […] Read more »
The Real Law of Attraction: the Seven Hermetic Principles
The “Law of Attraction” is not a New Age concept, although it is talked about predominantly by New Age gurus, but it actually stems from the fabled teacher Hermes Trismegistus, or the “Thrice Great Hermes”, who first observed the “Seven Hermetic Principles”. These principles are self-evident observations about the nature of the Universe, and the aspects that the All has made manifest to us about itself, also known as “Natural Law”. […] Read more »