Societal Stigmas and Shame Masquerading as Objective Morality and Truth

Nick Fuentes recently went on a rant about Elon Musk’s polyamorous / polygamous lifestyle, but he is promoting moral relativism in his tirade, and not moral absolutism, as explained below. While there is a social stigma to polygamy/polyamory, it isn’t immoral due to the nature of objective morality, and the use of reason. A good rule of thumb is about harming others, and if people consent to such a lifestyle, […] Read more »

A Classical Liberal View on Liberty, Truth, and Objective Justice

In a way, AI has provided a means to integrate the process of writing and the outcome into one thing, but only as long as the question is pure, and the AI being queried has some capacity to reason in a multilogical fashion. This makes it seem like “magic”, much like the 9th level of consciousness in spiral dynamics, which is called “the return to magic”, but it isn’t magic […] Read more »

Freedom, Safety, & Natural Law

Natural law can be boiled down to two main pillars, the masculine self-defense principle and the feminine non-aggression principle (NAP), and BOTH provide freedom as a cause and they provide safety as an effect; it can be summarized by the saying “do no harm and take no shit”. The masculine self-defense principle provides freedom to myself to live my life free from external interference (as long as I stay within […] Read more »

The TRUTH about Bank Privacy & the Burden of Proof Logical Fallacy

The Bank Secrecy Act in America flipped the burden of proof and created a “moral gray area” where people were now considered “guilty until proven innocent”, evidenced by the banks now tracking financial data on all transactions $10,000 and above (see the video at the bottom of the article). That gray area eventually became so large that all government intrusion via regulation now tracks every single transaction that we make, […] Read more »

Why Solitude Promotes Greatness – Academy of Ideas

I can verify that I have found solitude, especially with partnerships with conscious women, fertile ground for my personal growth over the years. I did countless hours of shadow work, self-reflection, self-assessment, upgraded my critical thinking, learned about meaning and purpose with my Logocentric focus, learned about objective morality, came to understand various philosophical and ideological worldviews that shape thought, learned and expanded my Tantric lifestyle with my partner(s), learned […] Read more »

Ayn Rand’s Philosophy on the Link Between Morality and Reason

Quesion to Why did Ayn Rand believe that morality and reason are interconnected? What moral rules was she able to discern through the use of reason? A: Ayn Rand believed that morality and reason are interconnected because she saw reason as the ultimate tool for understanding and navigating the world. According to her philosophy, Objectivism, the proper use of reason leads to the discovery of objective moral principles that […] Read more »

Submission to the Logos and Self-Assessment/Reflection

Jesus is likely everything that churches say he is, however, that is very limiting in a practical sense, and not as transformative as experiencing a life with Jesus in our hearts could be. I think we need to expand the definition of Jesus in our thinking to incorporate certain Logocentric character traits and universal standards that dramatically improve our thinking, feeling, and behaviors in a very practical and tangible manner […] Read more »

The Psychological Anatomy of Feminism

This is the psychological anatomy and flow chart of feminism, although this pattern also applies to the many faces of Marxism, such as veganism, anti-racism, multiculturalism, environmentalism, and socialism. While it is not exhaustive, and the problem is definitely more complex than this simple flow chart conveys, it is my observations on the topic, and I think it is generally true about feminism, as well as the countless masses of […] Read more »

The Immorality of Mandatory Vaccinations and Compelled Speech

Why are mandatory medical procedures, such as mandatory vaccinations, immoral? Here’s one reason: The scientific method is based on inductive reasoning, which is different than deductive reasoning in that the conclusion is not certain, but rather a generalization and probability based on the collected evidence. The conclusion of deductive reasoning can be certain, even if the conclusion is wrong (because it was fed incorrect premises), however, the conclusion of inductive […] Read more »

Intellectual Self-Defense and the Four Circuits of Being

There are four primary circuits of being, and each circuit transcends yet includes previous circuits. physical → emotional → rational → moral A moral person has fully incorporated their rational, emotional, and physical states of being. The emotional transcends and includes the physical, the rational transcends and includes the emotional and physical, and the moral transcends and includes the rational, emotional, and physical states of being. A moral being is […] Read more »

Manipulation 101: Frame the Discussion Around a Minor Point

There is a tendency by manipulators, by both the conscious and unconscious variety, to focus on a minor point and make their entire case and argument from that minor point, as a means of getting their way for the entire discussion. Focusing on a minor detail and statistical anomaly is a red herring intended to distract people from the main discussion, and is often used as a means by manipulators […] Read more »

The Ideas of Socrates

“In this lecture we examine the ideas of Socrates. We look at his exhortation to ‘care for your soul’, his conviction that knowledge of virtue is necessary to become virtuous, his belief that all evil acts are committed out of ignorance and hence involuntarily, and finally his presumption that committing an injustice is far worse than suffering an injustice.” ~Academy of Ideas Read more »

Dennis Prager: Why Socialism Makes People Selfish

Dennis Prager talks at the University of Wyoming about why socialism makes people selfish, as well as about the labels and attacks that are directed towards moral people in the name of so-called “social justice”.  I particularly liked this quote from the presentation, as it lines up with the mystical metaphor about Jesus being the personification of the Divine “Logos”, which is Greek for “reason”, “the spoken word”, and “logic”: […] Read more »

Should we Rebel Against Morality?

Just because Catholicism/Christianity is commonly associated with morality in the west, does not mean that morality is a bad thing, or that it should be rebelled against. It is a logical fallacy to assume that because Christianity is a poor role model that morality is no longer relevant to a well functioning society; Christianity and morality are not the same thing. I see and hear people say, especially through their […] Read more »